Latest PTE Essay Writing topics with Answers
70 New Essays Updated
6. Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee jumping etc. Whether you support them or not?
7. Does television removes our loneliness or not?
11. Some people believe laws change human behavior. Do you agree with it?
12. People usually mix their private and professional life. What are the pros and cons of this?
14. In underdeveloped countries, tourism has disadvantages and can be said the opposite as well.
16. Discuss both sides of space travel vs. current crucial problems faced by humans?
22. Imitating celebrities in sports and movies is good or bad.
23. Any recent invention that you think proved beneficial or detrimental to society
24. Do you think that the formal written examinations are a good way to assess knowledge at school?
25. Do you think English will remain the global language despite globalization?
31. Importance and the benefits of writing are irreplaceable, Discuss with appropriate examples
33. How to prevent students from cheating in exams? Discuss with appropriate examples.
34. What are the causes of increase in the diseases among the modern citizens? Discuss the reasons.
35. What are the barriers at workplace?” Explain elaborately.
36. How the hurdles at workplace can be removed? Enlist the possible measurements.
New Essays
1. It Seemed like it was Going to be Another one of those Days when Nothing much Happens
2. By Evening, she was Running a High Fever
3. A Moment of Forgetfulness got you into Trouble
4. Imagine a World where Nobody gets Sick or Old
5. Describe your Relationship with your Father
6. Accidents that I have Experienced
7. When I was Caught in a Rainstorm
8. Describe the Sights and Sounds at the end of a Long Day
9. The Problem of Deforestation
10. What Changes would you like to See in your School ?
11. The Occupation I Like Most
12. It is Better to be the Eldest Child than the Youngest one in the
Family. “Write a Debate Speech, Proposing or Opposing this Motion.
13. Should our School Examination System be Abolished?
14. “Cleaning Toilets should be Part of the School Curriculum.” Do you Agree ?
15. Write a Debate Speech in Support of Advertisements.
16. Write a Speech for an Elocution Contest Entitled “Should Men be Househusbands?”
17. Friends should Never Hide Anything from each Other. Do you Agree ?
18. The Golden Age of Youth, How True is this Description of your Life as a Youth?
19. What Qualities would you Look for in a Future Wife or Husband ?
20. How I know my Mother loves Me
21. How do you Measure Success in Life?
22. In what Circumstances is the Invasion of one Country by another Justified?
24. Discuss the Benefits of and the Problems caused by the Artificial Damming of Rivers.
25. Why is Common Salt so Important?
27. Discuss with Examples the Relationship between Pure and Applied Science.
28. What are the Most Popular Types of Film in your Country and Why?
29. Consider the Influence of Pop Star and their Music.
30. What, if Anything, have the Great Empires of the World Achieved?
31. What Factors Determine the Location of a Country’s Capital? Illustrate with Examples.
32. Consider how the Transport System in Your Country might he Improved.
33. Scientists are the Explorers of Today.
34. What Scientific knowledge should an Educated Person Have?
35. What do you Understand by ‘Fashion’ and why does Fashion Change?
36. Discuss the Various Methods of Advertising and their Effectiveness.
37. What Priorities would you set for Government Expenditure and Why?
38. All History Books are biased. Do you Support this View?
39. Should one Aim of Education be the Development of Talent in such Fields as Music, Art, Drama?
40. What Types of Fiction do you Enjoy reading and Why?
41. Which is the More Important, to cure Disease or to Prevent it?
43. Write a Critical Account of the Newspapers and Popular Magazines Produced in your Country.
44. How important is Foreign Trade to your Country?
45. How important is Ceremony in your Country?
46. What do you Consider to be Effective means of Keeping Law and Order in Today’s Society?
47. What can be done to Alleviate Suffering in the World?
48. What is the Place of Music in Modern Life?
49. Is the Telephone a Curse or a Blessing?
50. What are the Qualities of a Good Teacher?
51. Do you Think that there is any need for Change in the Education System in Your Country?
52. What Scientific or Technological Advances have most Affected Modern Life in Your Country?
53. In what Ways can Science Assist in the Detection of Crime?
54. Television will Eventually be the Death of Sport’. Do you Agree?
55. Write a Critical Review of a Book, Play or Film which you have Read or Seen.
56. ‘Mathematics is the most Perfect Language of all’, Discuss.
57. Choose one Modern or Historical Person you most Admire and Justify Your Choice.
59. Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Development.
60. The Place of Color in Everyday Life
61. What is the Value of Mathematics?
62. “The Arts Speak not only to us but about us”, Discuss.
63. What Childhood Illusions have you had Shattered as you were Growing up?
64. Eventually Computers will allow People to work from home. Is this Desirable?
65. Young People are Slaves to Fashion. Discuss.
67. What Changes would you like to see in Today’s Society?
68. Can Telling lies ever be Justified?
69. Work is the only Route to Happiness. Discuss.
70. What Qualities, in Your Opinion, make a book a “Best Seller”?
6.There is an alarming increase in the pollution world over. Discuss the reasons and solutions.
7. Discuss the factors leading to juvenile delinquency. Suggest solutions.
8. Games and sports are as important for adults as for children. Do you agree or Disagree?