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History Essays on various topics, top history essays topics.

History Essays


1.) Return of Democracy in Nepal

2.)Reshaping the UN Security Council

3.)WTO-End of the Sovereign Nation State Concept

4.)Historical Monuments of India

5.)The End of Communist Ideology

6.)Democracy and India

7.)India at 50 – Achievements and Failures

8.)Impact of Economic Reforms

9.)Fifty Years of Indian Planning

10.)Civilization Age

11.)Economic Reforms

12.) SAARC and the Male Summit

13.)The Second Freedom Struggle

14.)Socio-economic justice- An unfulfilled dream of India

15.)The Kashmir problem

16.)50 Years of Indian Independence


18.)India Advancement in the ancient ages

19.)Capital Punishment in India

20.) History needs to be Rewritten

21.)History repeats itself

22.)If the British had not colonized India

23.)India Today

24.)Information Revolution

25.)The Sardar Sarovar Dam and The Narmada Bachao Andolan

26.)Pope John Paul II Dies

27.)NAM’S (Non- Aligned Movement) RELEVANCE

28.)The Era of Coalition

29.)Space Exploration in India

30.)Electoral Reforms in India

31.)Fifty Years of Indian foreign policy

32.)The Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi

33.)Changing face of Caste System

34.)Was India’s Nuclear Testing Necessary ?

35.)Educational Reforms in India

36.)Fifty Years of Indian Films

37.)Examinations under Scrutiny

38.)Terrorism in India

39.)Pakistan’s Proxy War Against India

40.)A Seat for Indian in the Security Council

41.)War Achieves Nothing, Solves Nothing

42.)United Nations-Role and Future

43.)India and CTBT

44.)The Kargil War

45.) The Euro has arrived

46.)Clinton visits India

47.)The Horrors of War

48.)Indo—Pak Bridges of Peace

49.)The Twelfth Lok Sabha Elections

50.)Land Reforms in India