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Essay on “50 Years of Indian Independence” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

50 Years of Indian Independence


       Synopsis: Freedom came to Indian accompanied by accursed partition.  Soon after partition another shock awaited India in the form of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.  During these 50 years of independence India has failed on many fronts like fool security, health, literacy, sanitation etc, and the quality of life has been very poor.  The literacy rate among women is just 40 per cent and as low as 20 per cent in some States.  Selfish, corrupt and power-seeking politicians have been a great bane and they have criminalized Indian politics.  In the fields of poverty alleviation, law and order, justice, employment the scene before us is that of 50 years wasted criminally.  They strengthening of democracy coupled with advancement in science and technology has been the only saving grace. .  They are strongly united in bonds of nationality and brotherhood and these inspire confidence, hope and faith in very bright future.

            Partition brought unparalleled misery, pain, suffering and killings.  The price of freedom paid in terms of human misery, suffering, anguish, shame, bloodshed and massive migration of people was too much and too traumatic.  Even today its memory sends shivers down the spine.  It was the greatest human migratiotion that history has ever experienced.  India won freedom from the colonic rile without violence, without bloodshed under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi but then it ended in unprecedented massacre, violence and pools of blood of innocent men, women and children,  Soon after the golden dawn of freedom, the skies of India were overcast with the darkest possible clouds of sloop despair and madness.

            Indian history and civilization go back to over 5000 years and as such the time span of 50 years looks too short to be country and yet it is big enough for and individual Indian citizens with a life-expectancy of 63 years for man and 67 for women.  The maternal mortality rate of 307 per thousands, infant mortality rate of 63 per thuds and that invested in our human capital all these decades since independence.  We claim to have achieved food sufficiency but it is seemingly so because of 7-8 successive good monsoons it is also because the majority of the people lack the purchasing power and, therefore, there are enough food-stocks. 

            We have not been able to make any appreciable progress in literacy.  The female literacy is below 40 per cent and it is only 20 per cent in Rajasthan.  Among the scheduled tribes it is 29 per cent while in the scheduled castes it is 37 per cent.  The rate of dropout at elementary level in very high. The Government’s claim to achieve full literacy by the turn of the century looks too optimistic.  During the Eighth Plan the government failed to utilize the whopping Rs, 252 crore of the amount earmarked for the National literacy Mission (NLM).

            The economic liberalization and opening up of the country’s economy have started fielding dividends but the benefits so far have been confined to the upper middle class only.  The reform process needs to be expedited sand the circle of its beneficiaries widened  The country has yet to redeem its trust with destiny in respect of the poor, the deprived, the downtrodden, the walker and vulnerable sections of the society.

            India is a big country and the biggest democracy.  Democracy and democratic institution have thrived here well all these 50 years since independence.  In spite of many dilemmas and drawbacks, India will emerge, in near future, as a great economic and political power.  The present turmoil, chaos and crises are a passing phase; travails of an imminent golden dawn full of hope, confidence, peace, sanity and more resilience, because the ultimate power rests with the people and they have grown in sedum, maturity and discretion during all these 50 eyras of independence.  It represents a unique example of unity in diversity.  A deep historical and cultural sense of unity pervades it whole fabric.  Brotherhood, tolerance, mutual respect and goodwill are the foundation- stones of a united and great democracy and India has these in abundance.


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