If I Were a Doctor, Complete English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 9, 10, 11, 12, Graduation and Competitive Examination.
If I Were a Doctor
Since the times of Hippocrates and Charak, Medicine has been considered one of the noblest professions that a person can aspire for. It gives one an opportunity to serve the poor and the needy. It also offers adequate monetary rewards to keep the body and the soul together. But in recent times one finds that the noble profession of a doctor has been consistently degraded and its prestige lowered. With a continuous flow of young qualified doctors from our premier medical colleges, we still find a dearth of them in the countryside. People in the villages are at the mercy of quacks and ill-qualified practitioners of indigenous medicine because qualified doctors aspire for positions in learning, teaching and practice abroad.
If I were a doctor, I would settle down in the countryside to serve the poor. I shall preferably work in a government health centre and devote all my time and energy to look after the sick. I shall not be mercenary. Nor shall I indulge in underhand means and exploit my patients. I shall strive to give them the best medical attention I am capable of in times of distress. I shall thus be fulfilling my life’s goal of being of use to my poor brethren at all times of day and night.
I shall also keep in touch with the latest researches and advances made in the fields of medicine all over the world, especially in the third world countries because we all share the same problems and symptoms. If we can look after the two-thirds of suffering humanity selflessly, we shall be doing a great service to the cause of all-around development.
I shall preferably like to marry a lady doctor because she will be able to assist me in looking after the womenfolk. She will also be in a position to understand and appreciate my devotion to my chosen profession and the irregular hours that a dedicated doctor is forced to keep. Woman from another profession would not be so understanding and accommodating. We shall thus take upon ourselves the task of relieving the problems and miseries of our village folk. This will be a form of self-satisfaction for both of us.
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