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Precis Writing example “Dangers of Pollution” 300 words Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Writing Fast and thoughtless industrialization has caused the environmental pollution creating unforeseen problems. Our cities and towns have become full of smoke, smog, toxic fumes, dust, rubbish, plastic waste, noise and corrosive gases. The air carries foul smell and it is not fit for human intake. The factories, mills and vehicles burn fuels and release sulphur oxides in atmosphere besides heat. Heavy traffic creates horrible noises, nauseating gases and bad...
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Precis Writing example “The Crime in Cities” 300 words Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Writing  The graph of crime has arisen alarmingly with the rapid urbanization and growth of metro cities. It is a grave matter of concern for citizens, law enforcement agencies, authorities, politicians, city planners and the government. The news are full of reports of murders, extortions, kidnappings, rapes, eve teasing, drug trafficking, prostitution, bribery, organized crimes and mob violence. Cars getting stolen are common. The smugglers have many police personnel on...
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Precis Writing example “Danger of Little Knowledge” 300 words Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Exercise  There is an old saying that empty vessels make much noise. In real life it aptly fits on the persons who have little knowledge. The knowledge indeed is power but a little of it sometimes proves very dangerous if acquired by a small, mind. It belies the belief that the knowledge is acquirable as much as one can and some knowledge is better than no knowledge. A little knowledge...
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Precis Writing example “Examinations-Pros and Cons” 300 words Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Exercise  Examination days are the most critical days of the lives of the students. There is a kind of turmoil and panic among them. Every student appears to be in the grip of the examination fever. He is extremely busy with his books, lessons, notes, reading and cramming. The thought of failure or low marks turns him pale and a shiver goes down his spine. He forgets all other activities...
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How to write Precis, 8 Rules of Precis Writing with examples for class 8, 9, 10 and Class 12

Precis Writing
Precis Briefing Precis is a brief summary of paragraph, passage or an essay dealing with a subject. It is essence of the entire matter therein covering salient points, facts and the statements. A precis presents the main idea and the theme sifting out unnecessary details, wordplay, illustrations, exemplification and the frills of idioms, phrases, sayings, comparisons etc. An ideal precis consists of only 1/4 of the words used in the original...
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Precis Writing “Superstitions” Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Passage   Superstitions are beliefs that have no reason, rationality or scientific temperament. They are born out of ignorance, illiteracy, lack of common sense, fears and awe of supernatural phenomena. The dark side of the human mind fosters them. Blind faiths hold their ground inspite of modern knowledge and scientific advancement. One of the reasons that binds our society to the backwardness is the sway of blind faiths over the minds...
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Precis Writing “Health Is Wealth” Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Passage Good health is the most reassured asset of a human being, a true boon of God. It makes life enjoyable, profitable and worthwhile. A sick person can never hope to be happy and successful. A healthy person with a physically fit body can efficiently utilize his energies, capabilities and potentials to realize the goals of his life. Sound health generates drive, determination, will power, zeal, ambitiousness and high morale, the...
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Precis Writing on “Family Planning” Solved Exercise for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Classes, Competitive Exams.

Precis Writing
Passage It is duty of every parent to give his/her child the love, care and protection as a birthright. The child has birth right over food, covering, health care, education and other basic necessities. It is a matter of grave concern that millions of children in developing countries don’t get proper food, care and parental love. They almost grow up on their own like chicken or calves. The parents are not...
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