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Letter from a teacher to a student motivating him for success.

Letter from a teacher to a student motivating him for success My Dear Aniketa, I received your letter last Saturday, but due to paucity of time, could not give an immediate reply. Going through your letter, I could imagine your happiness of competing the IIM’s Common Admission Test. Yes, my son, it is a real achievement, but do not rest on your laurels because “You have many promises to keep and...
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Letter from a friend regarding deceit from a stranger.

Letter from a friend regarding deceit from a stranger. Dear Shailendra, Hope life is going smooth with you. Since school days, I remember that inspite being an intelligent student, you were quite gullible. And see how true it has come. The person, Anil, whom you sent here with a request to me, for getting him a job, has absconded with the company’s money of Rs. 36,000/-. This has not only caused...
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Letter to a friend wishing him on early recovery.

Letter to a friend wishing him on early recovery. Dear Rajeev, It came as a great shock to me when I came to know from Anil about your accident. I thanked God for saving you from the clutches of death. I plan to come down to Bangalore very soon and meet you. You must consider yourself lucky that your family members were not with you. I had earlier warned you a...
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Reply Letter from one friend to another regarding help.

Reply Letter from one friend to another regarding help. Dear Virendra, Going through your letter, I got the impression that you are sounding too formal. May be that’s what teaching profession does to people. Anyway, you can send Ashish any day you feel, without any second thought. I am of the opinion that your son is like my son, so instead of searching for an accommodation, he can stay with us....
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Letter from one friend to another regarding help.

Letter from one friend to another regarding help. Dear Ram Gopal How are you? How are your family members? I hope this letter finds you in the best of spirits. My son Ashish has completed his graduation in commerce and is now planning to do a course in company secretaryship. As you are my only friend in Delhi, it would be quite considerate of you to look for an accommodation in...
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Letter from a husband for divorce.

Letter from a husband for divorce. Dear Radha, This letter might jolt you, but I believe that a relationship should continue till the time it does not suffocate it. Many a time, I had thought of discussing the matter with you, but courage failed me. Keeping in view of our marriage in which schisms have already developed and under such conditions, it is very difficult for us to stay under one...
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Reply Letter from father to an errant son.

Reply Letter from father to an errant son. Dear Ramesh Your letter yesterday brought back smiles to everyone in the house. Your mother, though very happy, has still maintained a stoic attitude. You need not be apologetic about the incidents. These are the adventures of life and you have made me very proud by proving to me that you are more suited temperamentally for the corporate sector than a banker. Do...
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Letter to father from an errant son.

Letter to father from an errant son. Respected Father, At the outset I would like to apologise from the core of my heart for the gross misconduct of running away from home without any information. How’s mother and Rajesh? I can understand the parental anxiety you have gone through and try as much as I can, I’m sure I can never forgive myself for this agony caused to you. Although I...
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