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Paragraph on “How widespread is the use of Television?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How widespread is the use of Television?   Television is used in many industries. Banks and stores use ‘closed-circuit’ TV for security. Undersea oil-wells use remote-controlled cameras to check pipelines. Nuclear power stations use TV to watch dangerous areas. But its most widespread use is broadcasting the programmes we watch at home. TV brings us entertainment, news and advertisements. Once people had to amuse themselves or go to a local theatre....
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Paragraph on “What is an outside broadcast?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What is an outside broadcast?   Of course, if we want to make a programme about an earthquake, or even a city street, we cannot bring this inside the studio. Instead we take the studio outside. The ‘outside broadcast’ teams use a specially-equipped van as a mobile control-room. They have smaller, movable cameras and microphones. There are even video-tape cameras, for making TV recordings, not much bigger than home-movie cameras. In...
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Paragraph on “How is a Television programme made?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How is a Television programme made? The picture below shows a pop group making a television programme. As well as the performers a lot of other people with a lot of equipment are needed to produce a programme. The three cameramen operate the TV cameras. Each can take a picture of the whole scene or a close-up, perhaps of just the singer’s face. Using a special lens the camera can even...
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Paragraph on “How does your Television set make a picture?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How does your Television set make a picture? The television receiver does the opposite of what the camera did. On your TV screen is a chemical that glows when electrons hit it. An electron beam moves across the screen exactly in step with the beam in the camera. The current sent from the camera controls the strength of the beam. A strong beam gives a bright spot, a weak beam a...
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Paragraph on “When was Television invented?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

When was Television invented? John L. Baird of Scotland made the first simple television soon after the first world war. Public TV started in 1936 in Britain.   How does a television camera work ? A TV camera has to convert a whole picture into an electric current. First of all a picture, called an ‘image’, of the scene in front of the camera is focused onto a screen inside. A...
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