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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Class 9, Speaking Descriptors for Assessment of Speaking for class 9

COMPETENCE Task Management Initiation Turn-taking Appropriacy Relevance 1 Contributions are highly effective and fulfil the task. Can fulfil the communicative functions of the level with spontaneity. Is prompt to initiate discussions on the themes/ functions at the given level appropriately. Contributes spontaneously to keep the interaction going; takes turns appropriately. Speaks with a clear sense of purpose and audience in both formal and informal situations. 2 Contributions are always appropriate to the context/ situation. Contributions are effective and fulfill the task. Can fulfil the communicative functions of the level....
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Audio scripts, Answer key and Worksheet for SA2 Class IX Code IX-L-02, For Class 9, Audio 02

  CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Class IX Code IX-L-02 Time: 40 min                 Max Marks: 20 Audio scripts and Answer key   Task 1                        4 marks You will hear an announcement by the Cultural Secretary of SLM International High  School. Read the notes below, then listen to the announcement and...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test 3

    “TELEPHONE CONVERSATION”   Situation: Lisa is having some problems with her exercise bike, and she is calling Sport Center to have it repaired. Nancy: Thank you for calling Sports Center. May I help you? Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from your store last year, and I am having problems with it. I need to have it repaired. Nancy: Let me connect you to the Service department. One moment...
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CBSE ASL Class 9 ” Problem Solving Task Code IX-s-01″ 10 Problem Solving task for CBSE ASL Class 9.

CBSE ASSESSMENT OF SPEAKING AND LISTENING (ASL) CLASS IX PROBLEM SOLVING TASK CODE IX-S-01   Download: Speaking_Specs_IX Problem Solving Task for ASL 9 Class :1 One of your classmates talks very loudly and does not let others participate in class discussions. Discuss the problem. What advice you would give her?   Problem Solving Task for ASL 9 Class:2 Your friend is part of the district volleyball team and often has to miss classes. His...
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CBSE ASL Class 9 ” ASL Examiner Handbook with Test Papers” Complete Guide for ASL, How to conduct ASL for Class 9.

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Class IX ASL Examiner Handbook with Test Papers Contents Introduction  Marksheets  Conduct of examinations  Timing  Recording of examinations  Examination integrity  Feedback  What if?   Guidelines for Examining Introduction These guidelines are for the teachers who will act as Examiners for the ASL in their own schools. As the assessment of speaking and listening skills has to be done for Summative I and Summative II in class...
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CBSE ASL Class 9 “Examiner Copy” Problem Solving Tasks for ASL Class 9 and Question and Answer for New Topics of ASL 9.

CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) Speaking Class IX Code IX-S Download: ASL Class 9 Performance Descriptors Download: ASL Class 9 Performance_Descriptors_Reduced   Class IX Speaking Plan Code IX-S 8 minutes Stage 1: Introduction (1 minute) Section time     Procedure 10 secs               Examiner: Hello, please sit down.                             My name is X.  ...
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