Home » ASL Class 9 » CBSE ASL Class 9 “Examiner Copy” Problem Solving Tasks for ASL Class 9 and Question and Answer for New Topics of ASL 9.

CBSE ASL Class 9 “Examiner Copy” Problem Solving Tasks for ASL Class 9 and Question and Answer for New Topics of ASL 9.

CBSE Assessment
of Speaking and Listening (ASL)
Speaking Class IX
Code IX-S

Download: ASL Class 9 Performance Descriptors

Download: ASL Class 9 Performance_Descriptors_Reduced


Class IX Speaking Plan Code IX-S
8 minutes
Stage 1: Introduction (1 minute)

Section time     Procedure
10 secs               Examiner: Hello, please sit down.
                            My name is X.
                            What’s your name? (to Candidate A)
                            And what’s your name? (to Candidate B)
                            So your names are (name and serial number A)
                            and (name and serial number B).
25 secs

                           (Candidate A), ask question from Section A.
                           Candidate A responds
25 secs

                          (Candidate B), ask question from Section B.
                          Candidate B responds


Stage 2: Topic Presentation (4 minutes)

5 secs  

 Examiner: Now (Candidate A), you are going to tell us
              about your topic.
              When you have finished, (Candidate B) will ask you a
              question and then I will ask you some more questions.
              Would you like to begin please?
1 minute

  Candidate A speaks
15 secs

Examiner: Thank you. (Candidate B) can you ask
             (Candidate A) a question please?
              Candidate B asks question; Candidate A responds.
40 secs

Examiner asks 2 or 3 follow-up questions as appropriate
            from the topic prompt list
            Use follow-up stems given in Section B


5 secs

Examiner: Thank you. Now (Candidate B), you are going
to tell us about your topic. When you have finished,
(Candidate A) will ask you a question and then I will ask
you some more questions. Would you like to begin please?
1 minute

Candidate B speaks
25 secs

Examiner: Thank you. (Candidate B) can you ask
(Candidate A) a question please?
Candidate A asks question; Candidate B responds.
1 minute

Examiner asks 2 or 3 follow-up questions as
appropriate from the topic follow up questions list.
Use follow-up questions from Section B


Stage 3: Problem solving (3 minutes)

30 secs

Examiner: Thank you. Now let’s go to the next task.
I’m going to give you a card which has information
about a problem.
I will now read out the information for you once.
I’d like you to read it too and then discuss together
how you are going to solve the problem.
You have 2 minutes to do this. OK? Here is your problem.
Stage 3 sample problem solving card.
Choose problem task. Hand to candidates.
Refer to same problem task in Section C
Candidates read card (25 secs) then ask them to
start speaking.
2 mins

Candidates discuss the problem and a solution.
35 secs

Examiner: OK, can you stop now please.
Option A (for candidates who have reached a solution):
Thank you.
Option B (for candidates who have not reached a solution):
Can you agree on a solution? What is it?
Candidates explain
Ask Question from the problem task you used in
Section C
Please stop there. That’s the end of the test.
Thank you and goodbye.



Class IX

Topic       Area Questions
Place          Where do you live? Do you like it?
School        What do you like about your school?
Hobbies     Do you have a hobby? Tell me about it?
Study          What is your favourite time to study? Why?
Weekend    How do you spend your weekend?
Holiday      Do you go out of ………………. <city> during holidays? Where do you like to go?
TV               Do you like watching TV? Why?/Why not?



Have you ever ______?
Have you ever been _____? Tell me about that.
If I want to learn ______, what do I need to do?
If/when you can ______ again, what will you do next time?
What will happen if/when I/you/we don’t ______?
What happens if/when ______?
Where were you ______-ing?
Tell me about what you must do when you ______?
Do(n’t) you have to/need to ______? Why?
In your opinion what’s the best way to ______?
What’s your opinion of ______?
What do you think about ______?
Why (is that)?
Why do you like _____-ing ______?
Why do you want to (be a) _____?
Why should young people/students ______?
Why do you think ______ is important?
Why is ______ your favourite ______?
Why did you choose to ______ at that time/then/now?
Could there be a difference in _____?
Don’t you have to/need to _____? Why?
What must you _____?
How would you compare _____ and _____?
What kind of ______ would you prefer? Why?
Would you prefer to ______ or ______? Why?
How would you say ______ has affected/could affect you?


Task 1

One of your classmates talks very loudly and does not let others participate in class discussions. Discuss the problem. What advice you would give her?

Follow-up questions

a. Would your class agree…?
b. How would your friend react…?
c. Could you think of another way you could…?
d. What role do you think the teacher…?
e. How would you react to…? What would you say to…?
f. How can you help her…?
g. Is there a way you could…? How would your teacher respond…? How would your
friends respond…?
h. How can you use humour…?
i. Could you speak to…? Why/Why not?
j. In what other ways could you…?

Task 2

Your friend is part of the district volleyball team and often has to miss classes. His teachers and his parents are unhappy about this and have asked him to quit sports. With your partner, discuss what he should do to resolve his problem.

Follow-up questions

a. How would you…?
b. How could you and your classmates help…?
c. What could you tell your friend’s parents…?
d. What role do you think your friend’s coach…?
e. What could you tell your teachers…?
f. What can you tell him to counter this view?
g. How easy/difficult do you think it would be for you to suggest…? Why?
h. Can you think of a real life example…? How could you use the example…?
i. Do you think it is unfair…?
j. What do you think can be done…?

Task 3

You’ve noticed that some of your classmates converse rudely with the bus driver. With your partner, discuss why you think they behave that way. What advice would you give them?

Follow-up questions

a.Would you persist with… or give up?
b. What can you tell…?
c.Would you involve teachers/parents…?
d. Why not try to…?
e. Why is it important to… ?
f.Would you use an example…?
g. How would you counter…?
h. How easy/difficult do you think it would be for you…?
i. Can you think of how you could…?
j. Why do you think this happens…? How can it be changed?
k. What do you think about…?

Task 4

Last week your friend was hurt when a basketball hit him. Discuss with your partner what safety rules should be followed in the school playground. How can these be implemented?

Follow-up questions

a. Do you think…? Why/Why not?
b. Would it solve …?
c. How could you help…?
d. What could you think of…?
e. Would you say that…?
f. Would you suggest…? Why?
g. If there is one thing you would like to… what would it be? Why?
h. How easy/difficult do you think it would be…?
i. What warning could be…?
j. How could the sports coaches…?

Task 5

Your friend is participating in a group dance competition. However, she does not attend rehearsals. The rest of the group is annoyed with her. Discuss your partner what advice you would give to your friend and the group.

Follow-up questions

a. What could you say to make them…?
b. What warning would you give to her to make her realize…?
c. What would you tell the group…?
d. How can you solve…?
e. Do you think dance competitions…? Why/Why not?
f. How would you react to her …? Would this be acceptable to…?
g. Would you agree with …? Why/Why not?
h. How can you motivate…?
i. Would you involve others…? Why/Why not? If you did, what would you tell them?
j. Would you accept…?

Task 6

Many of your classmates do not bring their books to class and disturb others during class. Discuss with your partner why they behave in this way and what can be done to resolve the problem.

Follow-up questions
a. What role does your class teacher…? How could she/he…?
b. Would you take the issue to…? How would you react?
c. Do you think it would be a good idea…?
d. Would this help solve…?
e. Would you agree with…? Why/Why not?
f. Should such behaviour be…? What are the drawbacks…?
g. What is the next corrective action…?
h. What reward do you think…? How would it change…?
i. Would it be a good idea to…?
j. Have you ever been…? How did you manage…?

Task 7

Your friend spends all his free time watching TV. With your partner discuss:
• What problems can this lead to?
• How can he be encouraged to take up more productive activities?

Follow-up questions
a. Would you agree with …? Why/Why not?
b. How easy/difficult do you think it would be…? Why?
c. If you could involve… what would you suggest?
d. How can you help…?
e. Would it be a good idea to…? Why/Why not?
f. Why do you think television…?
g. What role do … play in…?
h. Do you think it would be a good idea…? Why?
i. When can television be regarded as…?
j. Would you suggest that people stop…? Why?

Task 8

Two of your friends want to go to the cinema after school but their parents do not give them permission to do so. Discuss what their parents’ views might be and how your friends can try and persuade them..

Follow-up questions
a. How do you think your friends would react to…?
b. Would you agree with…? Why/Why not?
c. How easy/difficult do you think it would be…? Why?
d. If you could involve YOUR parents… Would they agree? Why?
e. Would it be a good idea to ask your teacher…? Why/Why not?
f. What promise/compromise could your friends make…?
g. Would you react…?
h. How can it affect the students in the long run…?
i. How can parental guidance help to…?
j. What would you advise…? Would they accept…?

Task 9

Your class has planted trees outside the school and decided to assign duties to students to look after them. However, some of the students are not taking care of them. Discuss with your partner how they could be encouraged to participate.

Follow-up questions
a. How do you think your friends would react to…?
b. Would you agree with what your partner…? Why/Why not?
c. How easy/difficult do you think it would be…? Why?
d. If you could involve junior students… what would you say…? Would you blame…?
Why/Why not?
e. Would it be a good idea to involve…? Why/Why not?
f. What role do you think…?
g. What do you think is…? How best can you make…?
h. If you could… what would…? Why?
i. Do you think the school’s initiative…? How can you use…?
j. What rewards/recognition… do you think…? Would you suggest…?

Task 10

You have seen a classmate tear pages from books in the library. Although you have spoken to him about this, he denies doing anything wrong. Discuss with your partner what you should both do.

Follow-up questions
a. How do you think your friend would react to your idea that he…?
b. Would you agree with what your partner has said about …?
Why/Why not?
c. How easy/difficult do you think it would be for you…? Why?
d. What role does…?
e. Would it be a good idea to…?
f. Do you think you could suggest…?
g. What would you do…?
h. What sort of…? Which one do you think…?
i. Would installing a photocopier…?
j. Do you think reading…?


The main objective of this website is to provide quality study material to all students (from 1st to 12th class of any board) irrespective of their background as our motto is “Education for Everyone”. It is also a very good platform for teachers who want to share their valuable knowledge.


  1. Aaron Roy k Thomas says:

    thankful for your help.

  2. Swara says:

    I want a solution to my problem, that is: some of your friends order more food than they can eat when they go out to eat at a restaurant. Often the food is wasted.discuss with your partner.plzz reply fast.

  3. Akshay says:

    Thanks for your help and guidance

    • evirtualguru_ajaygour says:

      Hi Akshay, Thanks for your appreciation. Continue visit eVirtualGuru.com



  4. saijal says:

    Your friend has health problem and he/she is absent today you are not explain your teacher or classmate

  5. Tushar garg says:

    You visit a place of historical importance with your friends and across people who scribble their names and messages on the walls of the monuments. Although you don’t take it up with them, you are upset by the accident, discuss with your partner
    • How you can create awareness regarding such things.
    • What roll students can play to check such actions.
    Please reply fast

  6. sandra says:

    thankyou everyone who are the members of this site
    may god bless u to make a site a grant success

  7. lalala says:

    it was a really usefull one

  8. harshita says:

    I want solution of my problem. Some pf my classmates are underconfident im speaking in english and do not know how to get help? Also they dont know how to improve their spoken english.

  9. nikhil says:

    I want solutions for my problem my problem is that you visit a historical place with your friend and came across people who scribble there name and messages on the walls of the monuments. Although you don’t take it up with them , you are absent why the incident. Discuss with your partner

  10. Namrata says:

    Food same problem…..

  11. Neel says:

    It is very helpful.
    This is my first ASL. I hope i will perform good.

  12. Basab says:

    I also have a question
    Your friend has not done as well as she expected to do in her exams.she is upset and now blames her teacher for her performance.Discuss with your partner what would you do
    To help her to get over her disappointment
    and to move forward.

  13. Devananda says:

    It’s really helpful for me.😁😀😅l will be able to do well in my first asl.

  14. daljitsingh says:

    you have observe that most of the students in your are only worried about marks and do not thing about acquiring knowledge parents are satisfied as long as their children are scored good marks in their report cards. You feel this is encourage rote learning.

  15. daljitsingh says:

    you have observe that most of the students in your are only worried about marks and do not thing about acquiring knowledge parents are satisfied as long as their children are scored good marks in their report cards. You feel this is encourage rote learning.

  16. Ripple says:

    I have a question that today most of the students are doing rote learning and get good marks but they have no knowledge. There parents are also satisfied. So how we can discourage rote learning?

  17. arvind thakur says:

    Children now days are leading a seclentary life style and have unhealty eating habits. As a result, opesity among school is on the rise. Discuss your partner what problem this might cause. What should be done to convince the school student to adopt a healthy life style.

  18. lakshya says:

    Children now a days are leading a sedentary life style and have unhealthy eating habits.as a result obesity among school children is on the rise.
    PleAse help me in this 😢😢

  19. Neha says:

    Thanks it helped me a lot. It brought about a boost in my confidence level to perform my ASL. Thanks once again..

  20. Aayat says:

    thanks…! a lot for your proper guidance.

  21. jyoti says:

    I want a solution of this question?
    Pls help me in this
    You have seen a classmate tear pages from books in the library. Although you have spoken to him about this, he denies doing anything wrong. Discuss with your partner what you should both do.

  22. home says:

    Great post.

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    me to check out and do it! Your writing taste has been amazed
    me. Thanks, very great article.

  24. Sonika says:

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