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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12.

Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears the Crown It means that a person holding a responsible position always faces problems. Lives of these types of people are full of cares and worries as they have to look after so many matters. For example, a King, a Prime Minister or a President has to attend to so many works. He has to look after the affairs of his government and also see...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained” Complete Paragraph, Speech for Class 10, Class 12.

Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained According to Goethe, life means action and not contemplation. He says day dreaming brings no reward. We must venture if we want to achieve something because if one does not venture one cannot accomplish anything. Aristotle is called the Father of Political Science because he gave practical philosophy, unlike Plato. So the main point is that the credit goes to those who act. The more difficult a...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Telephone” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Telephone Alexander Graham Bell, the famous U.S. Inventor invented the telephone in 1876. Now-a-days, telephone has become a ‘must’ for most of the people. Life, these days, is very fast and busy. A telephone serves us like an honest servant in all the fields. It saves our valuable time and energy to a great extent apart from many of its good uses. At small places a telephone invites enmity and...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Cinema” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Cinema Modern age is the age of Science. It has given birth to cinema. Cinema has become an important part of modern life. Everyone likes to enjoy a picture. The cinema hall has the thickest rush. Cinema is a combination of so many artists. The story writer writes the story. The singer sings the songs. The musician gives .the music. The actors and actresses play their role. The director gives...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “India in Agricultural Sector” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India in Agricultural Sector The greatest concern expressed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is about India’s agricultural growth which is perhaps the lowest as compared to other sectors. The Tenth Plan document reveals that India’s farm community is dominated by small peasants. The National Sample Survey (NSS) of a few decades ago reveals that small and marginal holdings constitute about three-fourth of all holdings and constitute about one third of total...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “India in 2021” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India in 2021 Everybody has some dreams about his motherland. I too have dreams about India, my motherland. I dream India to be a super-power as early as possible. But wishful dreaming is just fantastic and mere dreaming will not do. Hence, dreaming has to be based on some ground realities and hard efforts for its activation. Let us take the examples of a few countries which are considered superpowers. We...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Character & Career” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Character & Career If wealth is lost, nothing is lost. If health is lost, something is lost. If character is lost, everything is lost: The young people of today have forgotten the importance of the Old-saying but it is as true today as it was inthe past. It shines gold in the dark clouds of modern thinking. Most of the people regard money as the sole source of their happy life;...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Crime against Women and Children” Complete English Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.

Crime against Women and Children Crimes against women are on the rise these days. We frequently hear about the rape of girls and women not only in rural areas but also in metropolitan cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, etc. Sometimes, even small gigs aged 12 or below arc raped by beastly, young men. There come to light sometimes even close relatives like cousins and uncles violating the modesty or young...
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