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25 Exercises for Precis writing for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Exercise 1 Then one morning in Paris, in 1891, Alfred Nobel opened the papers and, to his utter astonishment read in the headlines the news of his own death. What hurt him most were the bitter comments of the entire French press in regard to his life’s work. One paper called him an”evil genius”, another described him as a “self-educated master of destruction”. They all expressed the utmost relief that “this...
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5 Exercises for Precis Writing with Hints for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Precis Writing
Unsolved Exercises with Hints Exercise 1 A significant improvement in employment opportunities for women is linked up with an overall improvement in the employment situation. Nevertheless, it should be possible for the employment policy to work towards a rise in the share of women in the organised sector (comprising the public sec-tor and the private corporate sector) which generally provides more secure and better paid employment than the unorganised sector. At...
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Solved Precis Exercise “Water and Beauty of Landscape” 179 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
There is nothing which adds so much to the beauty of the countryside as water, be it just a little stream trickling over the rocks or a little pond by the wayside where the cattle quench their thirst of an evening. The rain-fed tanks that are so common in South India-alas often so sadly neglected in their maintenance are a cheering sight when they are full. They are, of course, shallow,...
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Solved Precis Exercise “Love of the World and Life” 236 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
I am quite aware that it is riot the highest type of man who has moderate ambitions. The really great man is immoderate in his claims upon life: but that is because he is conscious of his power to give to life in return of incomparable services. His mind works upon a different plane from mine. His conceptions of life are lofty and incalculable. He may be serene; as Shakespeare must...
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Solved Precis Exercise “Dangers of Fame” 155 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
And I do not want fame. Of what use is it? It may tickle the vanity for a time, but it becomes an intolerable nuisance. The film-star is probably the most famous kind of person now living; and the film-star like a royal personage- has no private life to speak of. There is no privacy for the famous. Every action of theirs is seen and judged together with some actions which...
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Solved Precis Exercise “Role of Text-Books” 91 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
Education is a dynamic process. A sound educational structure is one that is responsive to the challenges of a fast changing society. Those who are engaged in educational process must constantly re-examine the academic machinery so that it can pre-pare the young generation to discharge their obligations towards the community. Text books are an integral part of our academic apparatus; they shape the minds of the readers and mould their personalities....
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Solved Precis Exercise “Assessment of Scientists Status” 168 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
That science has become one of the most powerful factors in modern life is a generally accepted and indeed obvious fact. The proper role of the scientist himself is however a point on which there is no general agreement. On the one hand are those die-hards, who ignoring the changed circumstances of the outside, contend that, outside the laboratory, the personal influence of the scientist should be no more than any...
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Solved Precis Exercise “World Peace through Conciliation” 186 Words Precis for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation Exam.

Precis Writing
The preservation of peace is not merely a desirable ideal. It has become an imperative necessity. All the nations of the world have pledged their allegiance to peace, but do not seem to be prepared to work for the conditions which are essential for peace. We progress to build a world welfare state, where individual freedom and social justice are preserved, where we do not have injustice, racial discrimination and colonial...
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