Example Letter to the L.I.C. for availing Loan.

Letter to the L.I.C. for availing Loan. Jan. 27, 2002 To, The Divisional Manager Life Insurance Corporation, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai. Sir, Ref.: Policy No. 28249601 dt. Oct. 10, 1999 This is to bring to your kind attention that I’m an insurance holder of the aforementioned policy, which is an endowment policy and whose quarterly amount of Rs. 1750/- (One thousand seven hundred and fifty only) has always being paid on time,...
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Example Letter regarding the claim on a Policy as a consequence of death.

Example Letter regarding the claim on a Policy as a consequence of death. Jan. 22, 2003 To, The Divisional Manager, Life Insurance Corporation, Darbhanga. Dear Sir, Ref.: Policy Number 124608284 dt. Mar. 25, 1974 With great pain, I would like to intimate you of the unexpected and untimely death of my husband, Shri Ashish Chadha, on Jan. 10, 2003. His death was due to a sudden attack on the day before...
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Letter to the Insurance company regarding the delay in payment.

Letter to the Insurance company regarding the delay in payment. Dec. 28, 2002 To, The Branch Manager (Br. 9), Life Insurance Corporation, New Delhi. Sir, I would like to inform you that I’m a policyholder of the ‘Money Back Policy Plan’ Table 15-35. My first amount of Rs. 30,000/- which was expected in the 1st week of Nov. 2002 has not reached me as yet. Moreover, your Development Officer, Mr. Raghuraj,...
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Letter to an author regarding the selection of his manuscript.

Letter to an author regarding the selection of his manuscript. Feb. 14, 2003 To, K.N. Jha Atlanta Street, New York (U.S.A.). Dear Mr. Jha, We take the pleasure in informing you that our publication has decided to publish your novel “LIFE PARTNERS”. Congratulations! Mr. Jha. You deserve it. We are very sure of your novel being shortlisted for Booker Prize, soon after its publication. It seems you have poured your heart...
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Letter regarding misbehaviour with senior personnel in the organisation.

Letter regarding misbehaviour with senior personnel in the organisation. Feb. 13, 2003 To, Mr. Paul David, Park Garden, Frankfurt, Germany.   Dear Mr. David, With due regret, we inform you that on Feb. 10 during the night shift around 11.30 p.m., you were alleged by the Production Manager, of in subordinating him in front of all employees, in a drunken state. You are alleged to have behaved in a violent manner...
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Letter regarding filing a legal complaint.

Letter regarding filing a legal complaint. Feb. 11, 2003 To, M/s. Akanksha Publishing Dwarka, New Delhi. Sir, This refers to our letters dt. 14th Jan. and 21st Jan. and subsequently to your letter on 6th Feb. 2003, regarding the payment of outstanding of 5.45 lacs. As a matter of fact, we would have filed a legal complaint against you by now, had it not been our business relationship for the last...
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Letter regarding donation from a corporate, Institution.

Letter regarding donation from a corporate, Institution. Feb. 8, 2003 To, M/s. J.K. Tyres, Sansad Marg, New Delhi. Sir, We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as a Non- non-governmental organisation (NGO) “Care for All” whose main concern is towards the aged people of the society. We provide shelter to the aged people, many of who are crippled or physically handicapped. Most of them have been driven away from their houses,...
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Letter regarding soliciting enquiry with manufacturers.

Letter regarding soliciting enquiry with manufacturers. Jan. 2, 2003 To, M/s Kozikusha & Co., 11, Central Street, Tokyo, Japan. Sir, We take the pleasure in informing your good selves that we are one of the major manufacturers of plastic products in the country and enjoy a good market reputation in the trade circle. We have been in the market for the last twenty years. Plastic products are catching up rapidly with...
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