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Letter to a friend who is a victim of constant threat.

Letter to a friend who is a victim of constant threat Dear Dulal, I came to know from your letter about your fear and helplessness regarding the constant threats you are getting on the telephone and in written. I will be in Mumbai very soon for a business negotiation with my exporters. It is a matter of ten days. but let me enlighten you on how to counter such a situation....
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Reply Letter from a wife to her husband regarding confession.

Reply Letter from a wife to her husband regarding confession. My Lovable Atul, After going through your letter, I died a thousand deaths and realised the futility of our relationship. How could you do this to me? You, Atul, who was everything to me. It sounds incredible and funny at the same time. I always took our relationship to be “Made for each other”. But now, this. Anyway, Atul before indulging...
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Letter from a husband to wife regarding confession.

Letter from a husband to wife regarding confession. My Dearest Mona, I am very sure that this letter is going to shock you, but everything depends upon you, how you take this letter. There was something which was biting my conscience for a long time and the restlessness caused thereby was mentally torturing me, so I decided to confess a guilt to you. A guilt which was more unintentional than deliberate....
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Reply Letter on friendship to an opponent.

Reply Letter on friendship to an opponent. Dear Rahul Going through your letter gave me a sense of an inferiority complex. So let me begin by sincerely apologizing for not inviting you to my party, but you deserve something much better. So, buddy, you and I on Sunday at Park Royale. Yes, my friend, you deserve nothing less than that. You consider me to be intelligent that’s your greatness chum, but...
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Letter for friendship to an opponent.

Letter for friendship to an opponent. Dear Ratnakar, I take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy Birthday and gift you with a token of friendship. It does not matter whether you invite me or not, but what matters is your friendly and sometimes open hostility attitude towards me, and all for a girl. What a stupidity! This is our final year in the college and no matter, we’ve had...
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Letter from a teacher to a student motivating him for success.

Letter from a teacher to a student motivating him for success My Dear Aniketa, I received your letter last Saturday, but due to paucity of time, could not give an immediate reply. Going through your letter, I could imagine your happiness of competing the IIM’s Common Admission Test. Yes, my son, it is a real achievement, but do not rest on your laurels because “You have many promises to keep and...
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Letter from a friend regarding deceit from a stranger.

Letter from a friend regarding deceit from a stranger. Dear Shailendra, Hope life is going smooth with you. Since school days, I remember that inspite being an intelligent student, you were quite gullible. And see how true it has come. The person, Anil, whom you sent here with a request to me, for getting him a job, has absconded with the company’s money of Rs. 36,000/-. This has not only caused...
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Letter to a friend wishing him on early recovery.

Letter to a friend wishing him on early recovery. Dear Rajeev, It came as a great shock to me when I came to know from Anil about your accident. I thanked God for saving you from the clutches of death. I plan to come down to Bangalore very soon and meet you. You must consider yourself lucky that your family members were not with you. I had earlier warned you a...
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