Reply Letter from a wife to her husband regarding confession.
Reply Letter from a wife to her husband regarding confession.
My Lovable Atul,
After going through your letter, I died a thousand deaths and realised the futility of our relationship. How could you do this to me? You, Atul, who was everything to me. It sounds incredible and funny at the same time. I always took our relationship to be “Made for each other”. But now, this. Anyway, Atul before indulging in any intimate relationship, you should have given a thought for our children, who love you so much and are more attached to you than I am. I will not mince any word in saying that you have betrayed my trust, which will take a long time to bring it back. I am hurt, very hurt. But inspite of this I appreciate your simplicity and guts in revealing this sordid incident to me and as an afterthought, I understand your feelings for me. As far as my forgiving you is concerned, I always believe in giving a second chance to an individual and our bonds are so strong that a major incident like this is negligible. Remember, Atul I will not accept a guilt-ridden husband, but the same extrovert and happy-go-lucky person, who could even make a crying person smile. For God’s sake keep away from this relationship, they are based on lust and not love and yes, take a holiday for a week and let’s go out for an outing. Long time since we had one.
Yours Forgiving and Forgetting,