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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Towards Sustainable Development” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Exercise  A major flaw in environment management and related policies in most parts of the world has been that environment was always seen as “something external to the economy”. Considered to be an impediment to development in good times and too expensive to afford in hard times, the neglect of environmental concerns and lack of collaborative efforts between the industry and the community has led to a situation where the...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “The Peace Initiative for Afghanistan” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Exercise In two days of meetings, the participants carried out extensive consultations on various aspects of the situation in Afghanistan, particularly in light of the recent developments. The conference expressed concern at the escalation of armed hostilities in Afghanistan, which has resulted in immense human losses and irreparable damage to the country in the economic, social, and cultural spheres. d endangered regional peace, stability, and security. The conference deplored the...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Pokhran Explosion in Perspective” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Writing
Precis Exercise  World reaction to India’s nuclear explosion has so far been on expected lines. Bhutto has been terribly upset. The western powers particularly the U.S. are not exactly happy and the Afro-Asian countries of the Third World have taken it in their stride. The reasons for this varying reaction are not so difficult to understand. Pakistan’s leaders seem incapable of reconciling themselves to the realities of the sub-continent, and they...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “The Relevance of the Republic” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Writing
The inauguration of the Republic of India is an act of high faith in the people of this country, a gesture of dedication of all the nation’s talent and resources to the realisation of worthy purposes. It amounts to an implicit pledge on the part of every Indian that he will, to the extent of his strength and capability, uphold the honour of his country augment her strength for good and...
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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “Bureaucracy” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Writing
For long after independence, the Civil Service attracted the country’s best brains, but bureaucracy became a dirty word — it was held responsible for all that went wrong in we areas where the Government’s role mattered. Was it the sinner or was it sinned against? Perhaps both, Bureaucrats did not function in a vacuum or in lofty isolation. They were part of the new milieu, where the machinery was concerned not...
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Introduction of “Precis”, Precis Writing Rules For Government Exams.

Precis Writing
Introduction of “Precis” Précis is a summary or an abstract of a passage which may have the form of a letter, a report, an article, or a piece of verse. The aim of a précis is to present the main points of the passage in a clear and concise manner that is easily understandable. Précis, therefore, has great practical applications, particularly in policy-making and business administration. Busy executives of an organization,...
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Report to the manager of an insurance company, the unhappy experience you had while visiting his office to transact business.

Report to the manager of an insurance company, the unhappy experience you had while visiting his office to transact business. 1 November 2003 To   The Branch Manager XYZ Insurance Company Chennai. Sub: – Surrender of policy no: 83471976 Dear Sir, I wish to bring to your notice, the disappointing experience I had in your office while seeking information regarding the surrender of my policy. I own the subject policy. Serviced...
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Assuming that you have failed to get the expected refund in the above case, prepare an affidavit for presentation before the Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum.

Assuming that you have failed to get the expected refund in the above case, prepare an affidavit for presentation before the Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum. 1 December 2003. To The Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum ‘D’ District. Sub:- Complaint against the Railway authorities for failure to honor refund commitment properly. Dear Members of the Forum, I am forced to approach your Forum for redressal of my grievance because all my attempts until...
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