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English Short Story “Napoleon and The English Sailor” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

Napoleon and The English Sailor Once Napoleon, the famous Emperor of France, was waiting to take his army to England. His fleet was ready to sail. A French ship took a young British seaman as a prisoner. He was a poor sailor, a man of no importance. So he was allowed to wander about on the sea-shore. He felt homesick in a foreign land. He missed his motherland. He wished to...
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English Short Story “The Musical Donkey” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

The Musical Donkey Once a washerman had a donkey. During the day, the donkey had to carry heavy loads of clothes, but at night it was free to wander about. Though it was old and weak, it loved roaming in the fields. One night, the donkey met a jackal. They became friends and went in search of food. They found a field full of ripe cucumbers. They ate as many cucumbers...
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English Short Story “The Cats and the Monkey” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

The Cats and the Monkey Once there were two cats. They stole a piece of bread from a house. They thought to eat the bread now after dividing it equally between them. But they failed to divide it equally. Finally, they reached a monkey. He sat with a scale in his hands. The monkey saw the two cats worried. He asked them to tell him their anxiety. When he heard of...
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