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letter to your friend “Congratulations on Obtaining a Degree”- Letter of Congratulation

Congratulations on Obtaining a Degree My Dear  Mahesh, Please accept my heartiest congratulations on having obtained your PhD. Degree in plant cytology. As a concentrated effort is being made by our Government to improve seeds and their development , I have no doubt that you will easily find a good position suitable to your qualifications and experience. Please keep me informed about your plans. Do you intent settling down in a...
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Letter of Congratulation, Congratulations on Marriage

Congratulations on Marriage Dear Vijay, The tidings of your marriage with Shakuntala has delighted us all beyond measure. With all her charm and loveliness, she is a girl in a million. Though you are rather late in marriage, the rest of your lives are going to be very happy indeed. The wonderful news has cast a spell on our household. Even the maidservant, who served you last , is dancing with...
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letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination. Letter of Congratulation

Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination. 24,Bangalore Road, Mysore. January 12, ……. Dear Sourav, I hope, this finds you in nice health. How pleased I am to hear the happy news of your brilliant success in the Senior Secondary Examination with distinction in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Please accept my heartily congratulation. My parents are also pleased to hear the news. Please convey...
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How to write “Letters of Congratulation”

Letters of  Congratulation The key to success in writing a letter of congratulation is promptness. Write the letter as soon as you hear the good news and are still filled with initial pleasure at hearing of the birth of a child, an engagement, an honor. We all like to share someone’s good fortune, and for that reason the letter of congratulation is especially pleasant to write. And it is the kind...
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