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Paragraph on “Sound Recording” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Sound Recording In the year 1877 Thomas Edison made the first sound recording with a machine comprising of a cylinder, a stylus and a funnel. Above this cylinder was a blunt stylus connected to a flexible membrane, this in turn was connected to a ‘V’ shaped funnel. When a person spoke into the funnel, the membrane underneath vibrated thus causing the stylus to move and leave an indentation on the tin...
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Paragraph on “Motion Pictures” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Motion Pictures In the nineteenth century experiments were carried out to photograph a moving object with a series of separate cameras. In the late Nineteenth century the roll film was invented. This was followed by the development of cameras which were capable of photographing a series of images in action on a roll of film. When these were developed and rerun, they reproduced the same action. These pictures were first called...
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Paragraph on “Camera and Photographs” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Camera and Photographs The camera and photography were not invented by a single person, they developed in stages over a period of time. In the 12th century an image transferring device called the ‘camera obscura’ was used for the purpose of showing an image on plain paper so that it could be traced, this camera however did not take any pictures. In 1568 a lens was fitted to this camera, in...
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Paragraph on “Shorthand” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Shorthand On various occasions there is a need to take notes at the same speed at which some one speaks them, this need is met by Shorthand. Shorthand is nothing but an art of writing quickly by making certain special signs which can later be re-read and re-written or typed. Shorthand began in the year 63 B.C. during the Roman Empire where a man called Tiro invented the   system for taking...
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Paragraph on “The Braille System” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Braille System For quite some time there was no system of teaching the blind how the read, it was only in the year 1517 that as system of engraving letters on blocks was started so that blind persons could understand them by touching them. Subsequent to this various other systems wore also developed but they were not effective because though a blind person could read them, he could not write...
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Paragraph on “Sign Language” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Sign Language For thousands of years people who were partially or fully deaf were looked down upon and treated as outcasts. On occasions they were also considered insane and locked up in asylums. In the sixteenth century an Italian doctor took upon himself the task of developing a method to teach deaf mutes by using certain characters. Research carried out by him helped in developing the ‘finger alphabets’. These were successfully...
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Paragraph on “Typewriter” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Typewriter The first patent for a typewriter was given to a Englishman called Henry Mill in the year 1714 though it was never manufactured commercially, because in those days typewriters were used only as devices to help the blind. In the year 1829 William Burt in America was given a patent for his invention called the ‘Typographer’ and in the year 1843 Charles Thurber, an American, made a machine but it...
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Paragraph on “The First Libraries” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The First Libraries The first libraries are known to have existed during the Mesopotamian civilisation over 8000 years ago. The Mesopotamians use to write on wet clay tablets, by making wedge shaped marks on them, these tablets were then baked and preserved. During archaeological excavations a large number of these tablets have been uncovered from temple and palace sites. The Egyptians also had large libraries, under the charge of priests, with...
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