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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Newspapers Serve the Nation” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Newspapers Serve the Nation Press is called the fourth estate. Newspapers play a great part in the life of a nation. In the Democratic country they play the role of Guardian of the people’s rights. They raise voice against the cruelties committed on the people. The newspapers splash vital information all over the globe. The newspapers splash the current events and thus increase knowledge of the people. The newspapers offer comments...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “India Towards the 21st Century” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

India Towards the 21st Century Since, the ages, man has moved from one state of transition to other, because he has to move with the times. The mode of transition differs from age to age. Today’s world presents an altogether changed scenario than that of the ancient times. Man has mastered the universe, with the miraculous power of science and technology. And it is often remarked that India will step into...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Badshah Khan) was born in 1890 in village Uttamonzai in Peshawar district. After finishing his education in 1911 at Aligarh, he returned to Peshawar. He established national schools at many places with the help of the Hazi of Turranzzai. The British Government sent him to jail for opening a national school in his own village. His political career started with his participation in...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Preservation of Environment” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Preservation of Environment The term ‘Environment is the sum total of climate, geography, geology and hydrology of a human habitat. Man is the product of the environment and his life is solely dependent on balanced environment. Environmental pollution in India has increased manifold after the dawn of Independence. Nearly 35 percent of India’s total land area has been subjected to serious environmental imbalance and degradation. Hardly one-ninth of the total area...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Election Process in India” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Election Process in India India is an Indirect Democracy’ like the U.S.A. and England. Here the entire power of deciding the administrative matters and the power of running the Government is vested in the hands of the people/citizens through their elected representatives. Elections are held here periodically after fixed and specified periods. All the people above a prescribed age are deemed as citizens without any discrimination or distinction of caste, creed,...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Reservation” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Reservation   The second Backward Classes Commission’ under the chairmanship of Mr. B.P. Mandal was appointed by the Janata Government on January 1, 1979. The former Prime Minister, Mr. V.P. Singh, in hot haste made an announcement in Parliament on August 7, 1990 in the year of social justice that his government would implement the decision of reservation of 27% jobs in services under Central Government and public undertakings with immediate...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Bandhs And Rallies” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Bandhs And Rallies   Bandhs, rallies, fasts, longer strikes and yatras which are becoming the order of the day may be regarded as the ugly ways of expressing dissatisfaction against the injustice or policy decision of the government/authority. They bring ‘life to a screeching halt i.e. they result in dislocation of life, office activities, education, business and much more. But the question is “have these rallies etc, done any good to...
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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Problems Faced By the Teenagers Today” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Problems Faced By the Teenagers Today Pasting a label or even a libel of ‘frustration on the foreheads of an entire generation of people would tantamount to looking at an object with a jaundiced eye. It would be unfair and unjustified for that generation. What follows from such a coloured view is not the complete truth nor will it be an objective analysis but a partisan projection of mind. Hopes and...
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