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Essay on “Noise Pollution” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Noise Pollution 3 Best Essay on “Noise Pollution” Essay No. 01 Of all the pollution, noise pollution in cities is the severest. Noise is created by the motor vehicles, horns, strains used by the factories, the machines in the machines in the factories, flights of aeroplanes, helicopters and jets, running trains, engines, Jagrans, the beating of drums cause no less noise. Loudspeakers and pop songs or film music on the streets...
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Essay on “The Food Problem” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Food Problem Essay No. 01 Of all the problems confronting India at present the food problem is the most urgent and serious. Almost all Asian countries and particularly India suffer from food shortage. India does not produce as much food grains  as are needed  for her people. But the increase in the production of food grain recently has eased the problem a little. Still the government has to import food...
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Essay on “Unemployment” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes

Essay No. 01 Unemployment One of the most disturbing problem in India has been the mounting rate of unemployment, both in the rural and urban sectors. In case of rural sector, there has been both educated and industrial unemployment. Human activities are classified as economic and non- economic. Activities aimed at generating income are termed as economic activities. There activities are classified as business, profession and employment. In order to earn...
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Essay on “India ‘s Population Problem” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India ‘s Population Problem Of all the present problem that most dangerous is the population problem. Here there is population explosion. The economists’ estimate about population is very discouraging. According to them, India’s population is multiplying very rapidly. If this population continues increasing at this high rate, it will be about 9013 millions at the 20th century. The situation would be of more explosive than that created by atom bombs. There...
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Essay on “Id- UI- Fitar” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Id- UI- Fitar The festival of Id-ul-Fitre is celebrated with great religiosity across the Muslim world of all the festivals in the world. Id is perhaps the only festival that lays the greatest importance eon sacrifice and purity of life. It teaches us the value of love , brotherhood and sympathy. Before the actual festival every devout Muslim fasts for a whole month. They fast in this mouth so that their...
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Essay on “Dusshera Festival” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Dusshera Festival Dusshera is an important festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated with great joy and zeal. The Raksha Bandhan is the festival of the Brahmins chiefly and Dusshera is the festival of the Kshattriyas. But all Hindus observe these festivals with great joy. Dusshera comes in the month of Kuar. It is said that in olden days, the kings and rulers marched out of their kingdoms to conquer new...
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