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Essay on “Id- UI- Fitar” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Id- UI- Fitar

The festival of Id-ul-Fitre is celebrated with great religiosity across the Muslim world of all the festivals in the world. Id is perhaps the only festival that lays the greatest importance eon sacrifice and purity of life. It teaches us the value of love , brotherhood and sympathy. Before the actual festival every devout Muslim fasts for a whole month. They fast in this mouth so that their souls are purified. They pray five times a day and give alms and food to the poor and needy.

There is a month known as the month of Ramzan. All the musalmans and some of their children also keep fast during the  whole month. They take their meals in the evening and eat nothing the whole day. They do not even drink water. On the last day of the month the Muslims wait eagerly to see the moon. Id depend upon the appearance of the moon. Id is celebrated on the next day.

The month of Ramzan has a great importance for the Muslims. They take it a period to purify the soul. They prepare themselves to live a holy life. they try to live as pure as possible during this month. They read their prayers to God five times in the day. They miss none of them. They also give alms and food to the beggars and Faqirs.

The Muslims make great preparations for this festival. All people , young and old, rich and poor, get for themselves the best clothes that they can buy. They buy new shoes and new caps. It is a day of great rejoicing for them. They take their bath early in the morning. They buy on new clothes. Most of them put on bright and colured clothes. The children look very happy. They buy  sweets and fruits from the shops with great pleasure.

At the fixed time, all the Muslims young and old, assemble in parties and go to the Id-gah for prayer. Then all the people stand together and read the prayer together. After the prayer, they embrace one another. They say, ‘Id Mubarak’. Every Muslim is equal at that time. There is no distinction of rich and poor, high and low. They look and behave like brothers. Then they return home. Of course, some people go to graveyard to offer flowers to their dear ones who are no more in this world. They do so to give peace to the departed souls.    

Now at noon, they eat the best food, they can get. In the afternoon , fine dishes of food are sent to friends and relations. They receive gifts from them in exchange.

This is the way in which Id is celebrated and enjoyed by Muslims all over the world. It teachers brotherhood, love and sympathy. Muslims learn to lead a life a of purity and sacrifice. The spirit of brotherhood prevails in every heart. There is no distinction between the rich and the poor on this day. All are equal.


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