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Essay on “My Favourite Story” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Favourite Story Child is found of hearing stories by nature. We find maternal grandmothers telling stories to children. I am also one of them I have read many stories. A story is always interesting. After some time we forget some stories. But there are also such stories which  mark a great impression on a person. Among such stories ‘ A Poor Honest Wood- Cutter’ is remarkable and impressive. There was...
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Essay on “My Country” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 My Country India is my country. India is the seventh largest country of the world after Russia, Canada, China, U.S.A Brazil and Australia. In population, she is the second largest country of the world. It is only 2.4 per cent of the total area of the world. Our country has about 1605 per cent of the total population of the world. Thus every seventh person of the world...
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Essay on “Newspaper” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Newspaper 4 Best Essay on “Newspaper” Essay No. 01 ‘News’ has four letters. These four letters stand for four directions- North, East, West, South. Reports from Four directions are given the name ‘News’. The paper on which reports are printed is called ‘newspaper’. Newspapers in modern society have great social and educative values. They are common media for expressing views. Its principal aim is to supply news. Information with different views...
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Essay on “Means Of Transport And Communication” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Means Of Transport And  Communication Transport includes railway transport, road transport, shipping , inland transport and civil aviation whereas communications include the postal services and tele-communications such as telegraph, telephone, radio and television etc. An efficient and cheap transport and communication system plays a vital role in economic development of an undeveloped country. If agriculture and industry are regarded as the body and bones of the economy, transport communications constitute its...
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Essay on “My Favourite Hobby” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Favourite Hobby “Blessed is the man who has hobbies.” –Lord Brougham We get the word ‘ hobby’ from ‘ hobby – horre’. Hobby – horre is a long stick of wood. It is fitted with a wooden horse’s head at one end. Small children ride on  it for amusement. So hobby means an amusement. We get his amusement by doing a work. We do this work in our leisure time....
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Essay on “Place of English in Modern India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Place of English in Modern India English is a foreign language. But it is an international language because it is spoken and written in many countries of the world. Before 1947, it was the official language of the world. After Second World War it lost its past prestige. However, still English is an important language of the world. It has its importance in Science. Industry and Politics. So people learn it....
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