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Essay on “The Value of Rain” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Value of Rain Rain is caused by clouds, as everybody knows. Clouds are just vapours of water that arise from seas, oceans, lakes and other reservoirs of water. In the seas and oceans water is received through rivers that emerge from high snow-capped mountains. Thus, it is a circle which replenishes itself constantly. However, clouds rain only when they strike against a mountain or get cooled and thus become heavy...
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Essay on “Better Alone Than in Bad Company” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Better Alone Than in Bad Company Essay  No. 01 It need not be stressed here that man is a social animal and that he cannot live without some sort of company. It is rightly said that one who can live without company cannot be a human being. He must be either an animal or a divine being. All such reflections may be based on stark realities of life. But it is...
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Essay on “What Cannot Be Cured Must Be Endured” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

What Cannot Be Cured Must Be Endured Man has a great power of endurance. That is why he has been able to survive millions of years of contrary and hostile conditions on earth, including in clemencies of weather, attacks from wild beasts, diseases, natural calamities such as famines, floods, earthquakes, etc. During all this period, man has tried to explore the possibilities of cures and remedies in various ways and fields....
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Essay on “Child is The Father of Man” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The child is The Father of Man 5 Best Essays on “Child is the Father of Man” Essay No. 01 The statement ‘Child is the father of the Man’ may seem strange-but these are the words of the celebrated Romantic poet of England, William Wordsworth, and are full of meaning and truth of life. If we think a little deeper, we’ll realize that child is a man-in-the-making and a man is...
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Essay on “Better Late Than Never” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Better Late Than Never In life, we sometimes come across some late bloomers in our own family or elsewhere. Such were Einstein, Churchill, Gandhiji and several others. Modern scientists tell us that they or at least some of them, suffered from dyslexia. It means that even though they were really intelligent, they could not express their intelligence in their speech or on the paper. It does not mean that if a...
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Essay on “Management of Time” , “Time Management” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Time Management or Management of Time There is no gainsaying against the dictum that time is precious: It is-also commonly said that time files or time is fleeting. “Time and tide wait for none” is a well -known saying. In the cosmic order time is unlimited and infinite. But in this world, on earth, we have a life span which comprises only a few decades. In this short period we try...
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Essay on “The Solar System” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Solar System The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen. In the universe, hydrogen and a small amount of helium formed the first widespread elements. Thereafter came the stars, including the sun which is also a star. By the solar system is meant the sun and the planets with their moons. Here, we will focus only on the planets and not their moons. Besides these, we also have comets,...
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