Reply Letter from father to an errant son.

Reply Letter from father to an errant son. Dear Ramesh Your letter yesterday brought back smiles to everyone in the house. Your mother, though very happy, has still maintained a stoic attitude. You need not be apologetic about the incidents. These are the adventures of life and you have made me very proud by proving to me that you are more suited temperamentally for the corporate sector than a banker. Do...
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Letter to father from an errant son.

Letter to father from an errant son. Respected Father, At the outset I would like to apologise from the core of my heart for the gross misconduct of running away from home without any information. How’s mother and Rajesh? I can understand the parental anxiety you have gone through and try as much as I can, I’m sure I can never forgive myself for this agony caused to you. Although I...
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Reply Letter to a friend to sort out the misunderstanding.

Reply Letter to a friend to sort out the misunderstanding. Dear Sushil, Going through your letter I realised that it was very mature of you to write to me and very imbecile of me to react the way I did. Yaar, I really feel bad about my mis-conduct. At least I should have informed you that I was in Delhi. I’m sure that in our friendship you are more mature whereas...
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Letter to a friend to sort out misunderstanding.

Letter to a friend to sort out misunderstanding. Dear Shambhu, At the outset let me express my heartfelt congratulations for your appointment as a Probationary Officer in bank. You had come to Delhi to attend the interview, and I was expecting you to visit me but I feel that somehow you have not forgiven me for my absence in your marriage. See Shambhu, we have been friends since childhood and I...
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Reply Letter on getting a new job from a son to his mother.

Reply Letter on getting a new job from a son to his mother. Respected Mother, I received your letter today and I was touched. This success is the result of your sacrifice after father’s demise. I could visualize your ecstasy on reading my telegram and Mother! For your happiness I can do anything that will make you feel proud of me. My training is to commence after a fortnight and I’m...
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Letter from a mother to a son on getting a job.

Letter from a mother to a son on getting a job. My Dear Son, Ankur. I received your telegram on 31st May 2003 and could not prevent my tears which flowed in happiness of your success. It seemed to me that all your father’s dream has been given a concrete shape. How happy he would have been at your success, cannot be expressed in words. Your sister has already announced your...
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Letter to a friend who is undergoing depression.

Letter to a friend who is undergoing depression. Dear Devindra, I received your letter dt. 26th May 2003, today in the afternoon and while going through the letter, I could imagine your mental state of having lost a job. How are Bhabhi and the children? First of all, let me tell you that need not worry about the job. You are a highly capable and qualified person and very soon you...
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