Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “conversation between two friends Bill and Robinson regarding a visit to a zoo” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “conversation between two friends Bill and Robinson regarding a visit to a zoo” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “conversation between two friends Bill and Robinson regarding a visit to a zoo.”

Conversation on the Topic “A Visit to Zoo” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Bill: Good morning, Robinson.

Robinson: Good morning, Bill.

Bill: Where are you going today?

Robinson: I am going to visit the Delhi zoo with my father.

Bill: I have seen all the zoological parks in our country.

Robinson: Can you name them?

Bill: Yes. I have seen the zoo at Bombay, Calcutta, Lucknow and Delhi.

Robinson: You have seen really many zoological parks.

Bill: Is it your first, visit to a zoological park?

Robinson: No. Before this I have visited the Bombay zoo. Can you tell me which zoo you like the most?

Bill: Yes. I like the Delhi zoo most of all, because it is really a big zoo.

Robinson: Can you tell me? How did you go to the zoo?

Bill: I went by bus with my family.

Robinson: Where is the Delhi zoo situated?

Bill: It is situated near the Purana Qila, on the Mathura Road near, Sunder Nagar.

Robinson: Is there a great rush of visitors at the zoo?

Bill: There is always a great rush of visitors who come to visit the zoo.

Robinson: Is there any entry fee?

Bill: Yes. You have to purchase the entry tickets after which you can enter the zoo.

Robinson: I think I shall enjoy my visit to the zoo.

Bill: Of course. There are beautiful parks and pools you will be thrilled to see beautiful water birds.

Robinson: Can you name some birds which we may find there?

Bill: Yes, you will see many birds like ducks, pigeons, parrots, sparrows and many other birds which you have never seen before.

Robinson: Can you tell me something about the animals?

Bill: By all means. You will see stags, deer, Neelgai, Rhinos, lions, tigers, leopards, monkeys, elephants etc.

Robinson: Can you name any animal which we should see there?

Bill: Yes, you must see the white tiger which has been given to the zoo by the Raja of Rewa.

Robinson: Thank you so much Bill. I shall really enjoy myself when I go to the zoo today.

Bill: Never mind please.


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