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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Ashoka, the Great” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Ashoka, the Great” Ashoka seems to have ruled his vast empire in peace and with great ability. He was no mere religious fanatic. But in the year of his one and only war, he joined the Buddhist community as a layman, and some years later became a full member of the Order and devoted himself to the attainment of Nirvana by the Eightfold Path. Right, Aspiration, Right Effort,...
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Precis writing solved exercise with Title “Place of a Scientist in Modern Society” for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Precis exercise on “Place of a Scientist in Modern Society” That science has become one of the most powerful factors in modern life is a generally accepted and indeed obvious fact. The proper role of the scientist himself is, however, a point on which there is no general agreement. On the one hand are those diehards who, ignoring the changed circumstances of the outside world, contend that, outside the laboratory, the...
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Learn How to Write Perfect Application for a Job, Rules of Job Application with Examples.

Learn How to Write Perfect Application for a Job Job applications are very important applications because your whole future lingers on your ability to get a good job and your ability to get a good job depends on your ability to write a good application for a job. It is always better to break new ground in writing a job application instead of following in the rut of tradition because employers...
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Application for the Post of Junior Clerk, English Letter Example.

Application for the Post of Junior Clerk Pratap Kumar Jha, 12, Subhash Nagar, Delhi. 15th September, … Messrs Vim & Co. Ltd.,  Karol Bagh, New Delhi. Dear Sirs, With reference to your advertisement in “The Times of India”, dated 13th September, I offer myself as a candidate for the post. I am 19 years old and just passed the B.A. Examination in the first division. I know typing and have a...
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Application for the post of book-keeper, English Letter Example.

Application for the post of book-keeper Mohan Lal Jain New Delhi October 15, … Messrs New India Alloys Chawri Bazar Delhi   Dear Sirs In response to your advertisement in today’s “The Hindustan Times”, for a Book-Keeper, I would be grateful if you consider a short account of my character and capabilities. For the last three years, I .have been employed as a bookkeeper by a firm where the wide field...
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Application for a Technical Post, English Letter Example.

Application for a Technical Post Ram Nath 5, Andrews Ganj New Delhi. 15th March … To   The General Manager Manohar Electronics Ltd. Industrial Area New Delhi   Dear Sirs I have read your advertisement in today’s “The Hindustan Times” and wish to apply for one of the vacant posts which you mentioned. I am 25 years of age and have my ordinary National Certificate in electrical engineering. I have been...
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Application for the post of a Mechanic, English Letter Example.

Application for the post of a Mechanic Ashok Kumar 4/1, Narinder Marg New Delhi 7th September … To The General Manager Turncoat Textile Industries New Delhi.   Dear Sirs With reference to your advertisement in “The Times of India” you need the services of a really good mechanic. Will you please consider me an applicant for the position. I am a young bachelor of 30 years with robust health and active...
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Application for the Post of Accounts Clerk, English Letter Example.

Application for the Post of Accounts Clerk   Raman Kumar 10, Golden Street Lucknow 10th September … To   Messrs Hamilton & Co. Limited Terror Lane Calcutta Dear Sir In reply to your advertisement in today’s “The National Herald”, I wish to offer myself for the position of Accounts Clerk in your office. In accordance with your request, I give below some particulars about myself. I was 22 years of age...
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