Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “a discussion on the topic of Dowry System among certain friends.” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “a discussion on the topic of Dowry System among certain friends.” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

ASL Speaking Topic “A discussion on the topic of the Dowry System among certain friends.”

Conversation on the Topic “Dowry System” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Prema: Our society is suffering from many social evils at the moment. One of the worst social evils in our society is the dowry system.

Sheela: You are right. This is a very old custom to give to the daughters some presents like clothes and jewellery at the time of their marriage.

Neeru: But in recent times, it has become a wide- girls. spread evil and a big problem to the parents of the

Swarna: In the past, it was a voluntary offer on the part of the parents. But now-a-days it has become a compulsion and a necessary evil.

Ashok: Dear girls, we agree with you completely.

Pratap: There is no doubt that this evil custom is a great slur on the Indian society.

Shama: It has reduced the status of girls. It shows that the women are inferior to men.

Dalip: It is especially a curse for the poor parents, who have to beg and borrow huge money to give dowry to their daughters. In a way it causes a lot of suffering to the girl as well as her parents.

Prema: It is very difficult to find a good boy for a girl without paying a high price for the same.

Sheela: Parents of highly educated boys try to demand a large amount of dowry both in cash as well as in kind, as if their boys are saleable commodities.

Neeru: Sometimes, the rate of dowry is fixed according to the education of a boy.

Swarna: You are right, Neeru. In some communities, if the boy is a Matriculate, the parents want a dowry of Rs. 10,000, And if he is a post-graduate then they would demand Rs. 25,000.

Shama: And if he happens to be a doctor or an Engineer the price will go up to Rs. 50,000, or may be more.

Ashok: We are really ashamed of this custom. Prema: In this way whether a parent can pay or not, dowry has become a compulsory present at the time of marriage.

Pratap: This evil custom has ruined the lives of many a brilliant girl because their parents could not afford to give sufficient dowry to satisfy their in-laws.

Neeru: Sometimes, the girls commit suicide when their in-laws persecute them to bring more and more money from their parents.

Shama: Sometimes, the greedy husbands along with their parents also kill their wives when they are not given huge dowry.

Dalip: But now there is a great demand by the people that this evil of dowry should be eradicated completely.

Ashok: Many girls and boys are taking pledges that they will not accept any dowry at the time of their marriage.

Pratap: There is no doubt that until and unless the educated youth of the country come forward to abolish this evil from our society, nothing tangible can be done to eliminate it once. for ever.

Prema: It is quite heartening to note that during the last few years a strong public opinion has been created against this evil.

Sheela: Of course, a strong propaganda should also be started against this evil by all responsible persons in the society. The young men and women should stage demonstrations against those persons who give or take dowry.

Ashok: We boys also whole-heartedly support the abolition of this evil at the earliest.

Shama: The government must also pass stringent laws to curb this evil.

Dalip: But we should always remember that social evils can only be abolished with the active cooperation of the society and not by the government laws alone.

Ashok: Let’s all take a pledge that we shall never accept any dowry at the time of our marriage.

All speak with one voice: Yes, we all take the pledge that we shall never take dowry at the time of our marriage.


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