Home » 10th Class » CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “A father talks to his children Goldy, Lucky, and Lovely regarding Diwali Festival”

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “A father talks to his children Goldy, Lucky, and Lovely regarding Diwali Festival”

CBSE ASL Speaking Topic “a father talks to his children Goldy, Lucky, and Lovely regarding Diwali, a famous Indian festival.”

Conversation on the Topic “An Indian Festival” for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Goldy: Papa, today is Diwali and there is a holiday in our school.

Lovely: Papa, my teacher told me that Diwali is the festival of lights.

Lucky: Papa, tell us something about Diwali.

Father: Dear children, Diwali is a very important festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated all over India with great pomp and show.

Lucky: Papa, my teacher told me that Diwali is also called ‘Deepawali’ or, the festival of rows of lights.

Father: It is correct, my son.

Goldy: Papa, Diwali is celebrated in other countries also.

Father: Yes, my son. It is also celebrated in some other countries like Indonesia, in some or the other form. Of course, it is celebrated all over the world where Indians are living.

Lovely: Papa, does Diwali always come after Dussehra?

Father: Yes, my daughter. It is celebrated exactly twenty days after Dussehra. All the people, the poor and rich celebrate it with a lot of fun and frolic. In reality preparations are started many days in advance.

Goldy: Papa, it is also known as a festival of lights, sweets and crackers.

Father:  You are right, my son.

Lovely: Papa, why do the Hindus celebrate Diwali?

Father: Diwali is celebrated in the honour of Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king, Ravana. He had returned home after spending 14 years in exile in the forests. The people of Ayodhya gave him a hearty welcome. Since then the Hindus celebrate this festival by lighting rows of lamps on this sacred day in the memory of Lord Rama. This festival also has religious significance for the Sikh and Jain religion.

Lucky: My teacher told us that the businessmen close their accounts on this day.

Father: You are right, my son. The businessmen also decorate their shops very tastefully, on this day.

Lovely: Papa, why do the sweet sellers start making sweets many days in advance?

Father: Because there is a huge consumption of sweets on the day of Diwali. The rich and poor all purchase sweets. These sweets-packets are exchanged among friends and relatives. Therefore, the confectioners get busy making sweets of different kinds many days in advance.

Goldy: Papa, why do all the people get their houses whitewashed before the advent of Diwali?

Father: Because it is considered, very auspicious to clean the houses before this sacred festival. Door and windows of shops are also painted beautifully. People buy new clothes for themselves and for their children.

Lovely: Papa, Mummy says that it is also auspicious to purchase new utensils on this day.

Father: She is right, dear daughter. We shall also purchase new utensils when we go to the market in the afternoon.

Goldy: Papa, what else will we purchase from the market today?

Father: My son, we’ll purchase sweets, fruits, crackers, candles, balloons and earthen lamps.

Lovely: Papa, shall we also purchase idols of gods and goddesses?

Father: Yes, my daughter. We shall purchase idols of goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesh. We shall also purchase some toys for all of you.

Lovely: That will be very good.

Lucky: Papa, when will we light earthen lamps to illuminate our house?

Father: We shall light earthen lamps in the evening. After that we shall worship, goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesh.

Goldy: Papa when shall we explode the crackers?

Father: After performing the Pooja we shall allow you to explode the crackers. But all of you should be quite careful lest you should burn your clothes.

Lucky: Don’t worry, Papa. We’ll be quite careful.

Lovely: Today we’ll have a great fun in the evening.

Goldy: Papa, Diwali is a festival worth remembering.

Lucky: But I have heard Papa that some people gamble on the day of Diwali

Father: You are right, my son. Some people have a belief that gambling is an essential part of this festival. But it is a very wrong belief. Gambling is not only a crime but also a social evil. Many people are ruined by this evil practice.

Lovely: You are right, Papa. We all agree with you.

Father: Now dear children, you should go to your Mummy and wish her happy Diwali.

Lovely: O.K. Papa. Thank you for telling us SO much about the festival of Diwali.

(The three children go to their mother to wish her happy Diwali).

Lovely: Mummy, happy Diwali.

Goldy: Mummy, happy Diwali.

Lucky: Happy Diwali, Mummy.

Mother: A very happy Diwali to all of you,” my dear children.


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