Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “India’s Right to Defend Herself” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “India’s Right to Defend Herself” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Passages with Solved Precis

“It would be fundamentally wrong to enter military alliances or allow India’s defence to be under-written by any other country. That would mean losing our self-respect. All the aircraft of the world cannot take the place of a stout people determined to resist… There have been changes in the cold war pattern, cracking of alliances both among Western nations and Communist countries and Sino-Soviet differences are deeper and sharper.

“The moment you sell the right of self-defence to somebody else, you lose that sense of stoutness and standing on your feet which is an essential thing. You lose everything. Therefore, we have to maintain the right of self-defence at all costs, undertake great burdens for it and at the same time get as much help as we can. We are getting it (help), they do not want to underwrite the defence of India or take the defence of India completely in their hands. It is not a ‘practical proposition and it is a harmful proposition so far as we are concerned.

“We have been living in an unreal world and very much we have been waking up. This statement to my mind was interpreted in various ways. I did not only refer to the masses living in an unreal world but rather our outlook in this country as a whole was to some extent unrealistic and we were giving a great deal of our thinking to relatively secondary issues and not to the primary issues before the country. When we achieved independence after a long struggle, we had a feeling of, by and large, having reached a safe harbour and being safely anchored there. We knew we had great problem, social and economic. But, on the whole, our outlook was that no other country was likely to attack us. It is true we had trouble with Pakistan which rather shook us in that belief.’

That while NATO has not failed completely SEATO and CENTO have collapsed completely and miserably. It is fundamentally a wrong thing for us to do (to enter into military alliances). The moment we do it, we lose our own self-respect certainly feel that way. But it is another thing to take all help, and we will take help. Unfortunately, what the hon. member seems to think is quite possible (other countries under-writing the defence of India permanently) is not thought so by the very persons who are to help us. I do not believe in the weakness of India in submitting to evil whatever the forces against us. I do not wish to talk in a way which is removed from actuality. Naturally, when we fight we must have the latest weapons, aircraft, etc. But all the aircraft of the world cannot take the place of a stout people determined to resist.”

Other countries that help us realize this. They do not want to take the defence of India completely in their hands. It is not a practical proposition and it is a harmful proposition so far as we are concerned. So in effect, the question does not arise. It is nobody’ s guess except some members opposite. Nobody has suggested it. Other countries that help us do not encourage us in thinking that way (their permanently underwriting the defence of India).


India’s Right to Defend Herself

There are some critics who opine that India should hand over her independence to a foreign power in order to meet the Chinese aggression. It is a ridiculous idea, for as soon as a nation sells its right of self-defence it ceases to exist. India, after her independence, embarked upon a policy of peaceful co-existence. She never expected an armed attack. However, she must face the aggressive challenge boldly without joining any military bloc. The Military Alliances arc cracking up; SEATO and CENTO have already lost their significance and NATO, too, is on the verge of collapse. Courage end strong determination of a nation have greater power and effectiveness than any number of foreign aircraft. As soon as, India hands over her right of self-defence to a foreign power, she loses the moral strength and courage of her people. As a matter of fact no right thinking foreign power would offer us such advice. No foreign power which has come to offer aid to India has ever suggested the idea of taking over from India her task of defending her independence.


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