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Paragraph on “Who were called the great-grandchildren of Heracles?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Who were called the great-grandchildren of Heracles?

Greek mythology is full of stories of the adventures of legendary heroes who were either helped or hindered by the gods. Perhaps the most famous of all these heroes was Heracles (or Hercules as he was known by the Romans). He typified the virtues of courage and endurance, and he was a symbol of strength.

In about 1100 BC to 1000 BC, the Dorians invaded Greece. They were a warlike people who were so fierce, that legend calls them the great grand-children of Heracles. They settled in Greece and one of their main cities was Sparta.

While the Athenians thought that freedom was the most important factor in a man’s life. the Spartans aimed at strength. Sparta was a soldier-state. The Spartan citizens, always very restricted in numbers, devoted them-selves to a harsh and severe military training. The citizens were forbidden to take part in farming or trade. This was carried out by slaves — Greeks who had been overcome in battle.

At the age of seven, Spartan boys were taken from their homes and placed in schools where they remained until the age of sixteen. They were taught to despise weakness and admire physical strength, courage and cunning. They had to endure great hardship during their training and before reaching manhood, every boy had to undergo a severe scourging in public. To cry out under the lash was the deepest shame.

Girls, though they were not taken away from home, were educated in much the same way. They were taught to bear pain cheerfully and to live simply and hardily, for they were . to be the mothers of Spartan soldiers.

Sparta was never respected in the same way as Athens. The knowledge and love of the good and beautiful can make men leaders more than fighting prowess. In the great war against the Persians, it was Athens, not Sparta, that saved Greece from subjugation.



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