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Paragraph on “How do we hear sounds?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How do we hear sounds? The human ear has three main parts—the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. When a sound or noise is produced, the air particles next to its source, start vibrating and these vibrations travel in waves to the external ear which picks them up and funnels them towards the eardrum. The eardrum vibrates when the vibrations I hit it. Three tiny bones inside the middle ear...
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Paragraph on “Television and its Programme System” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Television and its Programme System Each T.V. station uses a different signal with a different frequency than other TV stations. Our T.V. antenna catches all these signals and pass them into the set as electrical signals. When we tune in to a particular channel, the tuning coil starts oscillating at a particular frequency showing us a programme. When the channel is changed, the frequency of the tuning coil is also changed...
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Paragraph on “Minerals Extraction ” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Minerals Extraction  Minerals occur in the earth’s crust through-out the world. Depending upon the nature and location of the minerals, various methods are used for their extraction. Excavation is one such method in which mechanical excavators scoop out the surface rock and sediments so that the useful minerals like gravel, coal. sand etc., which occur near the surface of the earth, can be extracted. Drilling is done to reach deep deposits...
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Paragraph on “Our Counting of System” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Our Counting of System The cave man used, his fingers, or toes for counting. The word ‘digit’ is derived from the Latin word digits meaning finger. I Since we have 10 fingers, the use of fingers led to a system of counting built on base 10. With the time, new counting tools like stone, tally marks, knots on ropes, notches on sticks came up. Then came the counting machine called ‘Abacus’...
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Paragraph on “The Sun” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Sun Sun is a huge ball of hot gases that nobody can go near it, leave alone landing on it. Still then the scientists have found out what the sun is made of by using special instruments. Some of them are spectroscope, radio telescope, spectrohelioigrahp, spectrograph, chronograph and space probe. A spectroscope studies the glowing gases of the sun and tells us about the chemicals which produce the colours in...
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Paragraph on “Telescope” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Telescope Powerful telescopes are used to observe the space. Presence of stars, not visible even through powerful optical telescopes, is determined by even more sophisticated telescopes like radio telescopes etc. These telescopes can detect radio waves, U.V. rays and X-ray signals which are emitted by distant stars and other celestial bodies. These days probes or unmanned satellites, remote sensing satellites etc. can record the photographic images of these celestial bodies.  
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Paragraph on “Fax Machine” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Fax Machine The system of coding and decoding of the data is the same in all the fax machines so that a message sent from one part of the world can be received at the other part of the world. When the signals (incoming) sent from a fax machine reach the telephone receiver of an-other fax machine, they are separated from the carrier wave and fed into the printer.  The electrical...
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