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Paragraph on “The Exploration of Mars” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Exploration of Mars   Whatever was known about Mars till 1964 was based on the research work carried out by astronomers and scientists. In 1965 the Mariner-IV, an unmanned spacecraft, took the first pictures of Mars. Subsequent to this the Mariner-IX took close-up pictures of this desolate planet in 1971. Based on the data available from the pictures taken by these two space probes, the Viking-I and Viking-II unmanned spacecraft...
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Paragraph on “The Creation of Stars” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Creation of Stars As we look up in the night sky we see close to 3000 different stars. They seem small but that is because of the distance, in reality they are as big as our Sun, some even bigger. Stars are generally born in clusters and are formed from thin clouds of hydrogen gas. As these clouds shrink, the hydrogen they contain gets compressed which increases the temperature and...
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Paragraph on “Meteors and Meteorites” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Meteors and Meteorites A meteor is what we commonly known as a shooting star. Millions of small pieces of rock, some only as large as a marble, are orbiting the sun. On occasions, one of these pieces enters the Earth’s atmosphere. The friction it experiences while passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, at a speed of over 50 kilometres per second, causes it to burn up leaving a trail of white light...
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Paragraph on “The Constellations of Stars” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Constellations of Stars   Without the help of a telescope we can see about 6000 stars in the sky at night. Half of these can be seen in the northern sky and the other half in the southern sky. As we look at the stars we realise that we can form groups or shapes among them. These groups and shapes were mapped and classified by astronomers and given different names....
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Paragraph on “Galaxies in the Universe” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Galaxies in the Universe   It is estimated that the universe and its galaxies were formed some 15,000 million years ago due to a massive explosion. This theory of the astronomers is known as the ‘Big Bang Theory’. Since the ‘Big Bang’ the galaxies have been moving away from each other and the universe has been constantly expanding. Galaxies are large groups of stars, dust and gases, old stars are constantly...
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