Paragraph on “The Constellations of Stars” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
The Constellations of Stars
Without the help of a telescope we can see about 6000 stars in the sky at night. Half of these can be seen in the northern sky and the other half in the southern sky. As we look at the stars we realise that we can form groups or shapes among them. These groups and shapes were mapped and classified by astronomers and given different names. The mapped and classified clusters of stars were called “constellations”. About 88 different constellations have been identified so far, out of these 45 were charted and named by the Greek astronomers and the remaining have been identified in the modern times. All constellations are not visible every night, some are seen only during certain seasons or at a certain time in the night. Some of the commonly known constellations are the ones which are used as Zodiac signs others include the Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, Polaris, Hydra etc.
thank you for giving this
i am lee from grade 8th
and with the help of you