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Pte 70 Score Essay on “Why is Common Salt so Important?”

Why is Common Salt so Important? In its mineral form sodium chloride, NaC1, is known as common salt. It is important because it is essential to the health of human beings and of animals. For domestic use it is fined down to what is known as table-salt, and small quantities of other chemicals are added to it to keep it free-flowing when in contact with the atmosphere. Salt and potassium are...
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Pte Essay on “Discuss the Benefits of and the Problems caused by the Artificial Damming of Rivers”.

Discuss the Benefits of and the Problems caused by the Artificial Damming of Rivers.   The damming of rivers to form reservoirs was common practice in Roman times, and probably much earlier. Over the intervening centuries the practice has evolved for three main purposes; human consumption, irrigation, and industrial use. Since rainfall is never sufficiently uniform to provide a reliable water-source from normal river flow, the reservoir has always been a...
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Pte Essay on “What are the bad effects of children channels”. Shed a light on the prominent effects.

What are the bad effects of children channels. Shed a light on the prominent effects. Essay No. 01 It is a universal fact that everything has two aspects. The television that has made the life very interesting has also some negatives effects upon the life of children. I would like to discuss the bad effects of children channels on the mental and emotional well being of the little ones. Let’s unfold...
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Pte Essay on “No one wants others to invade his or her privacy” What is your opinion about this?

No one wants others to invade his or her privacy. What is your opinion about this? Now a days everyone is conscious about the fact that personal life is very precious and it should not be invaded by the others. It has been also listed in the fundamental rights that everyone has the right to live according to their choice. I completely accord with the statement that privacy should not be invaded...
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Pte Essay on “Do you think people have different mind setup?” If yes, explain why

Do you think people have different mind setup? If yes, explain why.   There is no denying the fact that different people have different thinking and different mind setups. I completely accord with the statement. The reasons can vary according to the situations and contextual prospects. The persuasive reasons have been enlisted in the following piece of writing. The confluence of background and the far sightedness impacts the thinking equally. No...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “How the hurdles at workplace can be removed?” Enlist the possible measurements.

How the hurdles at workplace can be removed? Enlist the possible measurements.   The modern era is witnessing the various new tends. The issue of ensuring peace at workplace is becoming very popular these days. It has become very important to eliminate the flaws that tamper the progress of any company or institution. The possible solutions that can be applied to the problematic place are written below. To initiate with the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What are the barriers at workplace?” Explain elaborately.

What are the barriers at workplace?  Explain elaborately. In this modern world the trend of digitalization is increasing at a very fast pace. The people are becoming very conscious that is enabling them to put their energies in making their life more comfortable. They are working around the clock. But the peace is very important to work effectively. The problems that are faced by the workers are mentioned below in the...
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Pte 70 Score Essay on “What are the causes of increase in the diseases among the modern citizens?” Discuss the reasons.

What are the causes of increase in the diseases among the modern citizens? Discuss the reasons. The modern man is combating with the various type of difficulties. The monster of diseases is haunting with every passing day. It is tightening its clutches on the dwellers of the present world. This is happening due to the ample reasons. I would like to enlist the causes of this increase the diseases in the...
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