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Posts tagged "Precis Writing"
Introduction of “Precis” Précis is a summary or an abstract of a passage which may have the form of a letter, a report, an article, or a piece of verse. The aim of a précis is to present the main points of the passage in a clear and concise manner that is easily understandable. Précis, therefore, has great practical applications, particularly in policy-making and business administration. Busy executives of an organization,...
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June 21, 2021 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment
Precis Writing One has to be clear and definite about one’s aim and object to be successful. The saying is that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Without a destination you can set out on a voyage and aimlessly wander around hoping for miracle. For such an aimless journey what preparations can one make with no idea to plan on? Hesitation and indecision are the biggest causes of failures. One can...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis Writing2 Comments
Precis Writing Change is the name of the game and basic bin rule of nature. The most visible signs of changes a seasons and the new fashions people adopt to every season and year. The nature is full of dandy characters. Master chameleon, cocky rooster, peacock, song birds, antelopes, animals with glistering coats like horse and polar bear, minks, mesmerizingly designed coat wearing zebra, leopard, tiger, giraffes, cat, butterflies, fascinating insects...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment
Precis Writing The habit of reading needs to be grown and cultivated. It can be one of the pleasures of your life and in bargain you gain new knowledge, new words and new styles of expressions. Reading books, periodicals and magazines gives a unique type of pleasure. Everybody can’t enjoy reading because it requires a level of intelligence, personal interest, understanding, language skill and above all, solitude or ability to detach...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment
Precis Writing ‘Manners’ are what separate a man from an animal. The word ‘manner’ itself originated from ‘man’ which means that manner basically is manly or humanly behaviour. A person without manners is devoid of the very humanity. Such a person is not liked by others and everybody avoids, him because there is no pleasure or dignity in his company. He gets shunted out of the friendly groups. Gradually he becomes...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment
Precis Writing Fast and thoughtless industrialization has caused the environmental pollution creating unforeseen problems. Our cities and towns have become full of smoke, smog, toxic fumes, dust, rubbish, plastic waste, noise and corrosive gases. The air carries foul smell and it is not fit for human intake. The factories, mills and vehicles burn fuels and release sulphur oxides in atmosphere besides heat. Heavy traffic creates horrible noises, nauseating gases and bad...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment
Precis Writing The graph of crime has arisen alarmingly with the rapid urbanization and growth of metro cities. It is a grave matter of concern for citizens, law enforcement agencies, authorities, politicians, city planners and the government. The news are full of reports of murders, extortions, kidnappings, rapes, eve teasing, drug trafficking, prostitution, bribery, organized crimes and mob violence. Cars getting stolen are common. The smugglers have many police personnel on...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment
Precis Exercise There is an old saying that empty vessels make much noise. In real life it aptly fits on the persons who have little knowledge. The knowledge indeed is power but a little of it sometimes proves very dangerous if acquired by a small, mind. It belies the belief that the knowledge is acquirable as much as one can and some knowledge is better than no knowledge. A little knowledge...
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July 23, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), Languages, Precis WritingNo Comment