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Letter to Editor regarding excess coverage of anti-social elements.

Letter to Editor regarding excess coverage of anti-social elements. Sir, This is to draw your attention towards the headlines of your daily, of which I am an avid reader. It seems that of late your newspaper has started giving more space to criminal activities by adding spice to your newspaper and thereby boosting the sale. This has caused a great amount of discomfort to readers like me, who believe that your...
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Letter to Editor regarding improper services in banks

Letter to Editor regarding improper services in banks Sir, Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the Ministry of Commerce, regarding the lackadaisical way in which the public sector banks are functioning. All the talks about improving customer service is nothing but rhetoric. The number of strikes have increased causing misery to the common man. In most of these public sector banks, the...
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Letter to Editor regarding the rampant eve-teasing.

Letter to Editor regarding the rampant eve-teasing. Sir, I would like to draw the attention of the govt. regarding the molestation of a college going girl in a DTC bus in broad day light. Eve-teasing has always existed in society since quite a long time, but what used to be a simple joke has reached gigantic proportion so much so that once girls leave the corridors of their home, the parents...
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Write a letter to Editor regarding the indecent advertisement on T.V. and print media.

Write a letter to Editor regarding the indecent advertisement on T.V. and print media. Sir, The writer wishes to draw your attention to the growing menace of vulgar advertisements, which is affecting the younger generation and even the kids. The satellite channels carry certain ads which become unwatchable when one is watching T.V. with the younger ones in the family. But this is just one face of it. The journals also...
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Letter to Editor regarding the working of private institutes.

Letter to Editor regarding the working of private institutes. Sir, I would like to draw your attention to the mushroom growth of the various technical and professional institutes in the city. Most of these institutes are not only devoid of basic amenities like a library or a faculty room but also the faculty is not upto the standard. These institutes are merely minting money at the expense of the ignorance of...
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Letter to Editor regarding the issue of privatisation.

Letter to Editor regarding the issue of privatisation. Sir, This has reference to your article dt. Nov. 29, 2002, about the issue of privatisation titled “Privatisation, the need of the hour.” The honourable writer has definitely given some very valid points favouring the issue of privatisation. However, in his enthusiasm, he has overlooked some points which are as follows: (a) How far is it feasible to privatise certain sectors like Railways,...
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Letter to Editor regarding the growing menace of terrorism.

Letter to Editor regarding the growing menace of terrorism. Sir, This is in reference to the headlines of your esteemed newspaper about the growing menace of terrorism which is not only limited to Kashmir, but has spread its tentacles throughout the length and breadth of this country. In the South, we have the LTTE problem which seems no sign of abatement. In the East, we have the ULFA problem juxtaposed with...
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Letter regarding too much coverage of U.S. Presidential elections.

Letter regarding too much coverage of U.S. Presidential elections. Sir, This is to draw your attention about the excess coverage of the U.S. Presidential elections, which is occupying the headlines of your esteemed newspaper. Does a newspaper of your status really have to give so much of preference to U.S. elections, which will have a marginal impact on the largest democracy of the world. You must remember that by highlighting the...
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