Letter to Editor regarding the issue of privatisation.
Letter to Editor regarding the issue of privatisation.
This has reference to your article dt. Nov. 29, 2002, about the issue of privatisation titled “Privatisation, the need of the hour.” The honourable writer has definitely given some very valid points favouring the issue of privatisation. However, in his enthusiasm, he has overlooked some points which are as follows:
(a) How far is it feasible to privatise certain sectors like Railways, Banking and Education, which form the basic infrastructure of the country?
(b) Is privatisation the only alternative to the ailing economy and how far is it going to benefit a socialist country like India?
(c) By adhering to a capitalist economy process, are we not toeing the Sam uncle?
(d) What is the guarantee that by privatising the economy, India is going to achieve what China has achieved?
I would like to reiterate my statement that instead of privatising the economy, we should prepare a blue-chart for turning the PSUS into profit-making centres. PSUs like IOC, SAll are actually assets to GOI and a committee should be formed to analyses the situation, in toto, before taking a final decision.
Yours Truly,
Vir Singhavi