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The Festival of Eid Ul Fitr, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay on ‘The Festival of Eid Ul Fitr’ Millions of Muslims celebrated Id-Ul-Fitr all over the world with great zeal. Every devout Muslim, before the actual festival fasts for whole month. This month is known as the Ramzan month. It is of great importance to the Muslims. During the days of Ramzan, Muslims pray five times a day and give alms and food to the poor. Fasting Muslims eat their meals...
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Are Games and Sports Necessary?, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Are Games and Sports Necessary? or Value of games or The importance of games and sports in our lives ‘A sound mind lives in a healthy body’. What is a nation’s wealth? Is it the amount of gold lying in the vaults of the banks or the living standard of its citizens? It lies in the health of its citizens. How can a person become healthy? The answer to this question...
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A Rainy Day in Winter, Complete English Essay, Paragraph for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Rainy Day in Winter or The Coldest Day of The Winter Rains in summer are always welcome. However, rains in winter are not always a very welcome phenomenon. To get wet in the rain in winter is like being put in the freezer. No one likes getting wet and chilled to the bones. It was a December day. The sky was overcast. A strong wind was blowing. People were shivering...
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Essay on “The Person I Dislike Most” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Person I Dislike Most or My Neighbour We like some persons. We like someone the most. Similarly, the person I dislike the most is my next-door neighbour. He is Mr. Lal. He is an unmarried man of thirty-five. He is very smart, so people easily believe him. But he is a scoundrel. He borrows money from people on one excuse or the other. He never returns it. People enquire about...
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