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Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Prejudices Against Tragic Plays” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Higher classes.

Passages with Solved Precis

There is in the mind of the average theatre-goer a prejudice against tragedy. “When I want to go to the theatre I want to see something cheerful. There is enough pain and tragedy in ordinary life, without showing it to us on the stage.” If he does not use this well tried formula, he will complain of a tragic play that it is “morbid” and “depressing”, so some plays are, without doubt; but such play fail to be tragic. There is nothing morbid or depressing about tragedy. The Greeks, who were accustomed to sit out trilogies of three tragedies on end valued them for their cathartic or purifying effect upon the emotion. The tragedies of Shakespeare draw audiences again and again. “Hamlet” in particular can be relied upon to fill a theatre. It is not that the story is exciting, that it offers opportunities for great acting, that it contains passages familiar to the majority of educated people. It is that, again and again, it engages their sympathies, stirs their emotions, and fortifies them in their struggle with circumstances. No play in our language comprehends so wide a t ‘f life. It appeals to-the navy in the gallery as well as h. the connoisseur in the entails. R has something for everybody.

Naturally, no one is always; n the mood for tragedy. There are times when we need to laugh, when we deliberately avoid anything that will challenge our mind or our emotions. But if we restrict our theatre-going to these occasions, we are going to miss one of the greatest sources of strength and pleasure which life has to offer. It is difficult, in England, at any rate, not to sound priggish when talking the pleasure one gets from art.

When the man who frequent symphony concerts assures us that he also loves iazz, we are apt to imagine in his voice a note of condescension. However, the risk must be run. I will confess, therefore, that I am in many ways a person of thoroughly vulgar tastes. I suppose that at one time no amateur had a much wider acquaintance with low comedians than I had, especially of the kind that appears in pantomine. It is not affectation that takes me to the palladium and to the sing. Blackfriars, for there is no one whom I can hope to impress by going. I go because I like it. I enjoy a much as anyone, he works of Mr. Bentravers, the virtuosity of Mr. Leslie Henson, me solemn gambols of Mr. Sidney Howard. But there is 3 time for everything and I cannot compare the pleasure I get from a farce or a revue with that which I have had from fine performances of Hamlet, Macbeth or Othello.

Please understand that I am apologising for neither taste. I simply mean that they are not mutually exclusive. If you enjoy farce, you can enjoy tragedy. If you enjoy “Hamlet”, you cannot afford to miss Mr. Leslie Henson. Provided always it is good of its kind, the more that we enjoy the better. There is no virtue in having one leg or one eye. The philatelist who enjoys cricket is one up on the philatelist who doesn’t, if you only enjoy farce, and I enjoy farce and tragedy, I am one up on you. Or rather, two up: because there is a lot more to be got out of tragedy than out of farce. Tragedy springs from a deeper understanding of life.


Prejudices Against Tragic Plays

The casual visitor to theatre has certain set prejudices against tragic plays; but a tragedy provides an outlet to the spectators’ emotions and appealing to their spirit gives them the strength needed to face the difficulties of life more cheerfully. The tragedies of Shakespeare enchant the audience and contribute to their moral strength. People are aware of a good number of passages in say, Hamlet. They appeal to all classes of people and that too, time and again. Indeed, no person is receptive to tragedies at all times; but at times one loves to lead a dull and sedentary life. All the same, if one limits his visits to theatre on this score on misses much. Here, tie author admitted that his tastes were quite varied in the sense that he also linked blood and thunder literature just as much as he admired great masterpieces. Hence, he contended that both the tastes were reconcilable. Those who fall in for only one kind of aesthetic enjoyment have distorted personalities. Still. Tragedy offers more good and more value than farce; for it is based on a greater understanding of life.


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