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Solved Exercise for Precis writing “The Education Scenario” Precis for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Government Exams.

Precis Exercise 

Every year, June – August are invariably months of great anguish and anxiety for the parents whose wards appear in final examinations of classes X and XII. The declaration of results brings happiness and joy to many. It also plunges many more into a period of uncertainty. Even those with more than eighty per cent of marks in senior secondary examinations are unsure of admission in the desired stream or the cherished discipline in higher education. ‘Wastage’ of the education processes and human resource capital of the country is amply projected by such figures as a mere warty five per cent pass percentage in government schools of Delhi or a pass percentage of twenty in Bihar. Our almost routine response to these annual happenings is almost one. Could any society be really insensitive to its young children getting caught in the quagmire system and its practices? The dinosaur and admission are extending its tentacle as well in the third week of July Standard student set himself ablaze due to fear in standard IV examination.

Let us see the other side of the scenario. The greatest of the wars are won on the playfields of educational institutions. One could hardly think of a comprehensive statement on the important educational processes which go into preparing the young mind to face the future. This primarily takes place in educational institutions and has always been considered as the most outstanding obligation of each human being individual and of the society collectively. The pace of the progress of nations is determined by the efficacy level at which the educational institutions function. Critical to this relationship is the teachers and the teacher educators. The Indian society has traditionally accorded the highest status to the teacher and the teaching community. The present educational policies have reiterated that the status of the teacher reflects the socio-cultural ethos of the society. The teachers who fully internalize the significance of their assignments and are committed to make a good job of the same deserve to be treated as the most respectable professionals of the nation. The centres of learning: schools, colleges and universities should function as visible hub centres of human resource development and up-gradation. Towards this, the children would require focused attention on their learning needs as they have a right to a healthy and congenial environment that nurtures their creativity and furthers their learning. The present situation in a majority of our institutions is far below the desired level in most of these aspects.

One could cite apparently impressive details of the growth and expansion of the educational system in India over the last five decades. The number of schools, colleges and universities have raised manifold. The same is true of the teachers. Unfortunately, the quality of school education the education of the teachers themselves cannot be talked of in the same vein. It should be a matter of national concern that quality has shown a sharp decline in several of its aspects. This includes the way the majority of our educational institutions function, the relevance of the programmers they conduct and the manpower that comes out of these institutions. While one could talk a lot about the present system being an extension of the inherited colonial system, our failure to bring about the requisite changes must be accepted. There has been a mismatch of increasing aspirations and an insensitive education system.

Vocationalisation in education is still a distant dream. The programmes that develop skills of self-employment and self-reliance are limited. Consequently, the entry to these is indeed difficult. Liberalization and privatization encourage self-financing in most such institutions. Those who are not ‘self-sufficient financially get relegated to the background. The increasing inequality of educational opportunity needs to be examined seriously. For over five decades we have talked of a common school system. The existing disparities are known to everyone and visible everywhere. The so-called progressive schools which are also identified by a really inappropriate categorization as public schools, close their doors to an increasing majority.

Parents knock at all possible points of influence and pressure that could help them in admitting their children in certain well-fancied schools. The plight of the second and third generation learners in urban and semi-urban areas could really be studied seriously.

The examination reforms have been attempted at the school and at the university stage. A lot of projects have been undertaken. Studies have been conducted and doctoral degrees awarded to scholars on how to evaluate learning and conduct examinations effectively, without making these torturous to the examinee. It would not need much effort to visit a university or a school in some remote area to observe that the examinations are still being conducted in the same old fashion as was in vogue decades ago. Improprieties in examinations are no upon. They have been accepted as the real system.

The decline in the institutional climate with some exceptions, now rarely receives attention from makers and those at the helm of educational institutions. No one is ready to disturb the hornet’s nest. The institutions somehow allow things to drift as ‘initiative’ could invite the wrath of those who antagonise the students and could result in other of various kinds. The path of least resistance is admired and followed. The issues like ragging and bullying an invariably put under the carpet. The culture of competitions at the secondary stage has engulfed all such students who can afford to take chance in entrance examinations leading to an entry into professional and technical courses. These competitions have made a sharp impact on the way teachers function in schools. A large number of them ‘assist’ coaching institutions, provide private tuition, prepare guides for competitions and associate themselves in another student friendly’ activities. This obviously is bound to create an impact on their assigned responsibilities and occupations. Those feeling concerned about the education system are further shocked when they observe that not many seem to be worried about these developments which again are accepted as fact accomplish. A good number of schools in cities and towns are generating their own resources. Institutions imparting higher and professional education have been asked to generate their own resources. Some of these have hit upon the brilliant idea of conducting correspondence courses for teacher preparation through the so-called distance education techniques. The programme is kept as user friendly as possible. No one bothers about the quality. Some of the universities, it is learnt have generated crores of rupees by conducting correspondence courses leading to teacher qualifications. The number of trained teachers waiting for jobs has risen sharply.

Even in states where the percentage of trained teachers is nearly hundred per cent and which have a regular output of trained teachers from conventional institutions adequate enough to fill in the resulting vacancies, thousands are being ‘declared trained through correspondence adding to the number of unemployed. Whatever may be placed on record, the objective is very clear. Young boys and girls, who are not sure of their future, are lured by these institutions with prospects of getting a professional degree.

The quality of the programmes and the professional lacuna in preparing the teachers without giving them such experiences as would enable them to interact on psychologically correct lines with children is just ignored. With poor education in the formal sector and still poorer teacher education qualifications, some of them who could get jobs become ill-equipped and undertrained school teachers. Poorly prepared teachers contribute to poorer learning alone.

The teacher education scenario needs a thorough overhaul. Small sporadic changes have not delivered the goods. It deserves its due priority on the national agenda. (1300 words)


Solved Précis

Title:- The Education Scenario

The Education Scenario Qualifying examinations, which decide eligibility for higher education, have varying influence on the students, their parents and teachers. Often, even very good performances in such examinations cannot ensure one a higher education of one’s choice. If the parents are anxious to see their children perform well in them, the students are under considerable pressure to do so. The teachers, on the other hand, see qualifying examinations as an opportunity to earn money. Besides their regular jobs, many teachers work in private coaching institutions or give special tuition to students who ask for it.

But, despite the prevalence of qualifying examinations at different levels of education, the quality of education is rather unsatisfactory. Educational institutions rarely function as centres of human resource development. Moreover, the unhealthy social environment makes it difficult for students to focus their attention on learning and improving their creativity. In other words, the poor state of education in the country is not so much due to the mistakes of the past, as it is to the inability to drawbacks of the system and to improve it.

In the present era of liberalisation, self-fin institutions have taken over the responsibility of er from the government. This shift in responsibility has denied the poor, suitable opportunities for education also increased the disparity in standards among the in the country, though for nearly fifty years, the call been for a common, equitable school system.

Education, to be useful, should be vocationalised. It should teach the people, the skills and ideas necessary for self-reliant living. But in reality, opportunities for sun education is limited and, therefore, difficult for people to make use of them.

Improving the quality of education is a difficult task. Reforming the examination methods is being tried at different levels of education, yet no encouraging change is visible. Malpractice, common in the examination system, is rarely criticised, and quite strangely, is now considered part of the system.

The key to reviving the education system is, however, with the teachers. Their sincerity and commitment to their profession are crucial for such a revival. The training and selection of teachers, therefore, should be carried out with due care. The unhealthy practice of offering correspondence courses in teacher training should be stopped. The institutions that offer these courses generally ignore such training as will enable the trainees to deal with students in the appropriate manner. The ills of the education system are such that, rather than simple, cosmetic changes, a thorough revamp is needed to eliminate them. (426 words)


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