Write a letter to your brother staying in the boarding.

Write a letter to your brother staying in the boarding. Dear Arun, How are you? Everyone is fine here although mother is quite upset. Knowing, how much she loves you, you can understand her feelings. In fact, we all miss you very much. Father keeps worrying how you will adjust to a boarding life, but knowing you inside out, I’m sure you have adjusted yourself faster than we think. How’s the...
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Reply Letter from a friend to another.

Reply Letter from a friend to another. Dear Sanjeev, You can never imagine the amount of joy your letter brought me. I received your epistle on the 20th August and I must admit that Indian Postal service has really improved a lot. Tell you what, from the day you left Darbhanga, I was feeling very lonely and depressed, but on receiving your letter I felt much better. Nice to know that...
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Letter from a friend to another.

Letter from a friend to another. Dear Manoj 15-7-2003 Hi! Missing you a lot. How are you and the other family members? Give my regards to the elders and love to youngers. Life has suddenly become very busy but at the same time quite lonely. My job is quite lucrative considering the perks I’m getting. How are things at your front? Hope you are continuing with your legal practice, but then...
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Letter regarding scant respect for humanity.

Letter regarding scant respect for humanity. July 10, 2003 To, The Minister of Human Resource, New Delhi. Sir, The letter is intended to make us realise that in a country which talks high about humanitarian values and lofty speeches are delivered by our leaders, little is there in the name of humanity to the point that the word has virtually ceased to exist. While our leaders are talking about Ram Mandir...
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Letter regarding the callous attitude of hospital authorities.

Letter regarding the callous attitude of hospital authorities. July 1, 2003 To, The Concerned Authority, Ministry of Health, New Delhi. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention towards the type of services provided by the private nursing homes and extracting the pound of flesh. On June 25, I took my wife, Anjali to a reputed nursing home in South Delhi for delivery. This being our first issue, we did not...
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Letter regarding fake degree.

Letter regarding fake degree. June 27, 2003 To, The Education Minister, Ministry of Education, Delhi, New Delhi. Sir, I am a student of IIPS, an institute claiming to be recognised by the Government of Delhi and conducting professional courses in Aviation and Business Management in Hauz Khas. On June 7, 2003, I was admitted in the said institute which claimed in its advertisement to give jobs to all the students of...
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Letter regarding bribery

Letter regarding bribery June 15, 2003 To, The Concerned Authority, Intelligence Bureau, New Delhi. Sir, This is strictly for your information and this might come as shocking. On June 7, 2003, I lodged an FIR against a miscreant who had been disturbing me and of late started threatening me with dire consequences. The complaint was lodged at Vasant Kunj Police Station. After the FIR was lodged, some constables (numbering three) came...
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Letter regarding the misuse of funds by N.G.Os

Letter regarding the misuse of funds by N.G.Os July 30, 2003 To, The Concerned Authority, The Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention towards the misappropriation of funds amounting to a substantial amount by “Bachpan”, an organisation providing shelter to the homeless. It has been found out that the organisation is collecting funds in the name of “Gujarat Earthquake”, but a major portion is...
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