Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » English Short Story “The Musical Donkey” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

English Short Story “The Musical Donkey” Complete Moral Story for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Kids and Students.

The Musical Donkey

Once a washerman had a donkey. During the day, the donkey had to carry heavy loads of clothes, but at night it was free to wander about. Though it was old and weak, it loved roaming in the fields.

One night, the donkey met a jackal. They became friends and went in search of food. They found a field full of ripe cucumbers. They ate as many cucumbers as they could. The next night, they again feasted on the cucumbers in the field. After that, the two friends would come to a garden every night.

Soon the donkey grew fat. One night it said to be jackal “Look, my dear, the full moon is shining in the sky. A gentle breeze is blowing. It is very pleasant. I feel like braying.”

The jackal was very wise. He advised the donkey not to bray as it would invite trouble. But the donkey did not listen to his advice and started braying. The jackal was clever enough to slip away.

On hearing the braying of the donkey, the farmers rushed to the spot, armed with sticks. They gave the donkey a thorough beating and left it half-dead.

After some time, the jackal returned. He congratulated the donkey on the reward that it had got for singing to the moon.

Moral: Do not turn down good advice.



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