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Shorthand Dictation 100 Words per minute, “Regional Language Speech”Test 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter 20

Play Audio   Madam vice – Chairman, I am extremely sorry that last time when this Bill was discussed, / unfortunately I was not here. However, I have gone through the speeches which hon. Members // had made on that day including the intervention of the  Minister. The Home Minister’s intervention was /// highly disappointing. Now, Madam, I wish to deal with some of the points that have (1) been made...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute, “Virtual Bill”Test 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter 23

Play Audio   Sir, it is admitted by all sections of this House and the other House as/ a very important Bill and, ordinarily, a law of this sort would receive appreciations at // least from this section of the House. But after looking through the provisions of this /// Bill and also going through the proceedings and also witnessing the hon. Minister’s speech who piloted (1) the Bill in the...
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Shorthand Dictation 80 Words per minute, “Virtual Bill”Test 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter 22

Play Audio Sir, the hon. Minister in charge of the Bill has made it quite clear that / this Bill is virtually an integration of two other enactments that existed before. There has // not been any basic departure from the policy laid down by his predecessors and as /// such this Bill can not offer any substantial remedy. Now the tea industry is a (1) very important industry from whatever...
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Shorthand Dictation 100 Words per minute, “Important Bill”Test 5 Minutes Audio Dictation, Shorthand Outline and Text Matter

Play Audio Dictation : Important Bill Mr. Deputy Chairman, we are discussing a very important Bill. When we are discussing this/ Bill, we should devote all our attention on the economic effects of this Bill to // this country. The original idea of an Industries Development and Regulation Act was all right /// to certain extent. But I am afraid the same cannot be said of (1) this amending Bill, which is...
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