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Essay on “AIDS- The Dreaded Disease or The AIDS Scare” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

AIDS – THE DREADED DISEASE OR THE AIDS SCARE OR ACQUIRED IMMUNO–DEFICIENCY SYNDROME               This is an age of science and technology.  Scientists all over the world are trying to fight diseases.  They have certainly succeeded to a large extent.  Human life is certainly longer today than what is used to a few decades ago.  Much however, still remains to be done.  A number of terrible diseases continue to stare the...
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Essay on “Role of Judiciary in the Country Today” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

ROLE OF JUDICIARY IN THE COUNTRY TODAY      The role of judiciary became the object of discussion when, a few years ago, several top leaders and bureaucrats of the country were arraigned and made to face trials in various courts of the country on different charges involving huge amounts of public money.  Every country stands safe on three important pillars that sustain it – the political leadership, the executive machinery...
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Essay on “Reservation for Women in Legislative Assemblies and Parliament” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

RESERVATION FOR WOMEN IN LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLIES AND PARLIAMENT               “Men have already made a mess of the world.  Let them quit the field and make way for women.”  This is what a lady member of the Lok Sabha said one day during a discussion  on the Women’s Reservation Bill.  There has been a strong demand from a section of the society to reserve at least 33 per cent seats for women...
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Essay on “The Coalition Politics” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

THE COALITION POLITICS   India is a land full of diversities.  People in different states of the country have their own ways of life, their languages and political views.  Every state contributes a limited number of representatives to the Lok Sabha.  This has led to a growth of regionalism in the country where every region thinks it number of regional political parties in different parts of the country.   These regional parties...
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Essay on “India’s Space Programme – Car to SAT Launched by Indian Space Scientists” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

INDIA’S SPACE PROGRAMME OR CAR TO SAT LAUNCHED BY INDIAN SPACE SCIENTISTS   The Indian space scientists  had sufficient reasons to pat their backs as they successfully placed into their orbits two satellites, CARTOSAT – 1 and HAMSAT, on May 5, 2005.  CARTOSAT 1 weighing 1560 kg is India’s thirteenth remote sensing satellite while HAMSAT, weighing  43 kg, is a micro- satellite.  The successful launch of the 44 meters tall four...
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Essay on “Global Terrorism- The Fight Against Terrorism” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

GLOBAL TERRORISM – AMENACE TO HUMANITY OR THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM­­­—THE NEED OF THE HOUR   The world is today witnessing a rise of terrorist activities in different parts of the world.  A number of groups, owing allegiance to some political ideology or some particular religious beliefs, have chosen the path of violence and terror to achieve their objects.  These vested interests are rabid fundamentalists or fanatics having no sanctity for...
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Essay on “FEMALE FOETIDICE- ACULTURALBLEMISH” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

FEMALE FOETIDICE– ACULTURALBLEMISH We are all the citizens of a country which can rightly boast of a proud past, a past, a culture in which there was never any discrimination on the basis of sex.  Woman in this country has always been looked upon as more important than man.  Look at our nomenclature : Sita — Ram, Radhey –Sham, the names of the women take precedence over those of men.  No...
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Essay on “Information Technology is a developing technology ” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY   Information Technology is a developing technology that aims at obtaining the maximum information with minimum of resources, labour or time.  According to the dictionary, Information Technology is “the study or use of electronic equipment especially computers, for storing, analysing and distribution of information of all kinds, including words, numbers and pictures.” Ever since the appearance of Man on the earth, information has been the major cause of his...
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