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Essay on “An ideal school” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An ideal school

The school master is abroad. Thousands of schools are springing up in all parts of the country. Even then the numbers falls far short of our needs. All schools are therefore, overcrowded. There is no personal contact personal between the teachers and the taught. Indiscipline is growing and standards are filling. There is little education of character which is essential for the future citizens of a democratic country.

However, the school in which I study is an ideal school. It is housed in a palatial building. The building donated by an industrialist some twenty year back. It has twenty five rooms in addition to a big library hall and spacious laboratories and workshops.

The school is situated on a healthy site. It is an upgraded school. Every student in the 9th and 10th classes has to take all the subjects as they are compulsory. Out of the two crafts subjects i.e. electronics and radio mechanism, he must take up as per his choice.

The school has 950 scholars on its rolls. There are about 45 teachers. All teachers and students live on the campus of the school. Every teacher has 10 pupils in his or her tutorial group. Teachers and pupils are most of the time together. They live like members of one family under the kind eye of the Principal of the school.

The school starts working g at 3am.  And continues till 4 p. m. with a break of one hour for loch. All pupils of the age group 9 to 15 get up at 5 maim After attending to morning duties we march into the playing grounds for physical training. After an hour we settle down to our individual assignments under our tutors. We study hard for two hours before the bell calls us to our common rooms for breakfast. The seconded bell hurries us to school.

Except for a one hour break for lunch we study till 4 p.m. During this period pupils are given full opportunities to express themselves freely in writing and speaking in tutorial classes, debates and seminars. Suitable books are recommended for general study and pupils develop the habit of reading independently. No teacher uses a rod. The teacher is a guide whose job is to encourage the students to learn things for themselves

Every month there is a test in each subject. There is nothing like an annual examination in our school. On the basis of the weekly assignments and monthly tests pupils are promoted to the next higher class. In promotion rules the general behavior of the students in the class hostel and play ground also counts. It is a happy record of our school that no student has so far failed in class or Board examination.

Essay No. 2

An Ideal School

There are many schools but ideal school are rare. An ideal school is situated in ideal surroundings, away from noise and din of the city. There is peaceful atmosphere which is essential to study.

An ideal school is housed in a spacious building. Its rooms are well ventilated and well- furnished. The classes are not over crowded.

Library of a school reflects its real character. The library of an ideal school is stocked with good books of all types. Moreover, its laboratories are well- equipped.

Then comes the principal. The Principal plays an important role in improving the standard of his school. The Principal of an ideal school devotes all his time and energy to the improvement of the school. But he can achieve his goal only if he has a team of dedicated and self – sacrificing teachers.

Mere teaching of books is not enough. An ideal school looks to all round development of the students. it has large playgrounds. there is stress on games and sports. Only an ideal school can produce ideal citizens who take their proper responsibility in the service of society as well as country.

I am proud of studying in an ideal school which is well known in Rajasthan as well as the whole country. Its name is Adarsh Vidhya Mandir Senior (Higher) Secondary School, Jaipur. It is situated at Raja Park in Adarsh Nagar (Jaipur). The school ahs a wide space. It si free from noise, dust and smoke of the city.

In front of main building, it has two lengthy lawns having green grass, flower    beds, different shapes of fencing bushes with a centre fountain. Two permanent gardeners are responsible for this. Beside huge double storeyed building, including 33 rooms, there is an open prayer – ground with drama stage. The school building E- shaped is very grand. It charms everybody. All rooms are attached with long, neat and clean verandah. It has two play grounds at a distance of 100 metres from school campus. It has its own tube – well and swimming pool with coach.

Our school has a standard hostel divided into senior and Junior wings. Seats are limited. Hostel is famous for discipline and study. We have students from Nepal, Bombay, M.P. and some other different states. We have educational tours to Nepal, Kashmir, Bombay, South India etc. the whole arrangement is made by student union under guidance of respected teachers.

There are about fifty teachers in my school they are all highly qualified. They all work hard in teaching us. They help us in every way possible. They are our true friends and  guides. Our results are the best in the city. All the teachers are very kind towards us. They look after our studies, healthy and character.

The principal of our school is an old hand. He is very particular about discipline. He has won our hearts. He expects punctuality from his teachers and student. He is an ideal for the members of his staff. His morning talks are very impressive. He believes in action. He does not allow student to attend school in dirty clothes. He is a man of character.

We are taught honesty, industry and truthfulness by him. Hence we are obedient, well behaved and mannerly, he loves life of ideals.

The best thing in my school is the good arrangement of games, debates and scouting. Everyone of us has to take part in debates and scouting. Every one of us has to take part in debates every Saturday. We have to attend the playground three times a week. I am glad to  say that our school team is famous in the district for hockey and cricket. Our scouts get training in band and first aid. There are the two N.C..C units attached to our school. Every  year sixty students get Military Training.     

Our school has two science labs and a big library and a reading room. Our library is full of books on all subjects. Every student can borrow books from the library. In the labs we do experiments with help of teachers.

It is the best of all schools. The school is proud of its good students and the students are proud of their good school. I love it very much.

We have Old Students Federation. All are invited at the time of Annual Function celebrated on school foundation date. We wonder to see our great family holding different responsible posts in different states.


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  1. Hunny singh says:


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