Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Pte 70 Score Essay on “Does classroom environment affect the efficiency of learning? If yes, explain how” Discuss with appropriate examples

Pte 70 Score Essay on “Does classroom environment affect the efficiency of learning? If yes, explain how” Discuss with appropriate examples

Does classroom environment affect the efficiency of learning? If yes, explain how.

There are various factors that are responsible for the learning of students. Apart from the intellectual teachers the classroom environment contributes a lot to the mental growth of children. This is the dominant factor that can make or mar the career of the children. I would like to shed a bright light on the effects of classroom environment upon children in the subsequent paragraphs.

There is no denying the fact that the students are very vulnerable and they can fall an easy prey to the distractions around them. If the classroom has peaceful environment the children would learn with concentration or if the noise is bothering them they will feel irritated. In addition to this, the proper arrangement of teaching aids and infrastructure contribute a lot. The students learning can be facilitated with the up to date teaching aids as compared to the dusty old material.

The other factors that are also worth considering here are the sanitation and the proper lightning system in the classroom. The students should get the fully lit classrooms so that their eyesight would not get affected. Furthermore, the sanitation should be up to the mark to attract students to the classroom as compared to the unhygienic classroom that repels that students.

Overall is clear that in the light pf the above mentioned statements, the environment for the classroom plays a very major role in accelerating the growth of learning. The school authorities and the teachers must realize this.


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