Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Write a letter to your father telling him about progress in your studies. Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a letter to your father telling him about progress in your studies. Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

You are Goldy. You are residing in a Hostel. Write a letter to your father telling him about progress in your studies.

National School Hostel,


June 5,  ……….


Dear Daddy,

You will be pleased to hear that I am making progress by leaps and bounds in my studies. I am working day and night and burning the midnight oil. I get up before dawn and never let the books go off my hands till late after dusk, Then I have a brief interval for dinner and back I am to studies again. Never do I sleep before past midnight.

Our half-yearly examinations are commencing next month. I have not the slightest doubt that I will come out with flying colours. My teachers are happy about my progress and you have no rhyme or reason to worry about me.

Yours affectionately,



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  1. mdrubel hasan says:

    Nice.I want more.

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