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Write a Letter to a close friend for removing a misunderstanding with him. Complete English Personal Letter for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Write a Letter to a close friend for removing a misunderstanding with him.

2/27, Kavi Nagar



August 10, 2007

My dear Rohtas,

We have been immensely close to each other since childhood days and our friendship has remained firm like a rock all this time. We have been friends without any selfish interest, creating a rare example of mutual understanding, deep love and affection for each other.

However, it has pained me to notice your changed, indifferent attitude towards me, since my return from Kullu-Manali last week. May be you are annoyed that I ditched you at the last moment and left for the trip without even informing you ! If that is the case, let me explain to you the background. Please go through my explanation patiently and then decide, if I had or hadn’t gone wrong somewhere.

You know that in all, fifteen students were to be selected by the school authorities for the intended trip to Kullu-Manali. Since the selection was to be made on the first-come-first-served basis and since my parents were late in arriving at a final decision, whether I should, or shouldn’t be allowed to join, my name was not included. They simply wasted time on consulting each other over details. The news that I was denied the chance to go had left me shell shocked. Even the promise from my parents to take me separately in the near future was no consolation.

You know very well that the tour had to start on July 20. On the 19th, I went to the school with my mother to buy a sport shirt. There we found Manish, our classmate and his mother looking quite worried. Since Manish’s father was hospitalized all of a sudden because of some heart problem, he wanted to drop out from the trip and was looking for a replacement. To save the situation, my mother suggested my name and the

Principal agreed.

As soon as I returned home, I kept on calling you on phone but you were not available and this is how I left without informing you. May I now hope that my dear friend would overcome his anger and excuse me for any misunderstanding of any sort, whatsoever ?

Please convey my regards to your dear parents.

Your loving friend,

Sahil Seth


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