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Paragraph on “Creation of the Mountains” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Creation of the Mountains Elevations on the Earth’s surface have been constantly changing due to the movement of it’s crust. On occasions the crust tends to sink downwards in some places, causing faults, the corresponding area which doesn’t sink is then at a higher elevation. Elsewhere while moving, the Earth’s crust tends to exert pressure sideways thus causing it to crease or form folds. The former result in the formation of...
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Paragraph on “Waves and Tides” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Waves and Tides   The two most common and regular motions of the oceans are the ‘Tides’ and ‘Waves’. The Moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth causes the level of water in the oceans to rise and fall, thus causing high and low tides. When the Moon is opposite an ocean, the water is pulled upwards thus causing a high tide. This happens on the opposite side of the Earth as...
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Paragraph on “Oceans and Seas” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Oceans and Seas The oceans are vast expanses of water which cover about 71 percent of our planet and separate the continents. Millions of years ago when the Earth cooled from it’s molten state, water vapour in the atmosphere condensed to form water which collected in deep trenches on the surface, thus forming the oceans. Water on the land flowed into them in the shape of rivers, which carried with them...
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Paragraph on “The Continents” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Continents Twenty nine percent of the Earth’s surface is land and about 200 million years ago it was a single mass surrounded by the oceans called ‘Pangaea’. In the year 1912 a German meteorologist called Alfred Wegener suggested that this single mass of land was in reality located above large flat pieces of rock. called ‘plates’, which had large cracks m them. With the passage of time, about 130 million...
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Paragraph on “The Earth’s Atmosphere” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

The Earth’s Atmosphere It is the Atmosphere which has made life possible on the Earth, it protects us from the harmful rays of the Sun and keeps out the cold of outer space, and it also provides a host of other conditions because of which life can thrive on this planet. It has various layers and surrounds the Earth like an insulator, 78% of it is composed of Nitrogen, 21% of...
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Paragraph on “Earth’s Crust and Inner Core” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Earth’s Crust and Inner Core Millions of years after it’s origin, the Earth still has a molten core, about 2600 km thick, with a temperature in the range of 4,700° centigrade. Above this inner core is an outer core which is about 2,000 kms thick and is made up of molten iron with temperatures in the range of 2,2000 centigrade. The ‘Mantle’, as it is called, which surrounds both the inner...
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Paragraph on “Our Satellite the Moon” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Our Satellite the Moon It was believed earlier that the Moon was a piece of the Earth which broke away millions of years ago. This theory went through a change as new facts about the Moon were revealed with the passage of time. Today it is believed that the Moon was formed from the same cloud of dust from which the Earth was formed. The Moon also went through the same...
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