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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 4

Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder – 4 591. The West Indies was discovered by Christopher Columbus of Italy in the year, 1492. 592. The modern sport of volleyball was invented in the USA in 1895 by William G.Morgan. 593. Japanese researchers are working on a new type of train that will fly above the ground on a cushion of air, at a speed of between 350 km to 500 km...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 3

Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder – 3 581. After the discovery of the X- Ray in 1895, a London- based firm began selling x- ray proof underwear. 582. Light travels a distance of 18,00,00,000 kilometres in a minute, which means 30,00,000 kilometres in a second. 583. The first real motorcycle was invented by Gottlied Daimler, a German engineer in the year, 1885. He used a wooden bicycle frame to which...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 2

Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder – 2 571. Formerly called Kiritimati, the Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean is 52 square miles. It was sighted and named on Christmas Day in the year, 1643 by British sailor, Capt William Mynors. The phosphate- rich island is now an Australian Territory. 572. Alexander Graham Bell, the man who invented the telephone, was originally an instructor for deaf children and invented the telephone...
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10 Amazing Scientific “Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder ” interesting facts for Class 10 and 12 Part 1

Facts of Discovery, Invention & Wonder – 1 557. The early Romans used pebbles for counting. 558. The Great Pyramids of Egypt were among the tallest of all man- made structures until the Eiffel tower was built in the year, 1889. 559. The Roman calendar had only ten months and it began with march. September was thus the seventh month, October the 8th, November, the 9th and December, the 10th. It...
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